Keep in mind, as you listen to this song, that Greenwood's intent in the term "American"means what you and I believe in, not what the Collective Borg-set in Warshing a Ton subscribe to...
I Know I've been a bit off with my writing lately; The weekend is upon us, though!
Take Care; I'll be back full bore in a jiffy..
L'Iris, 1861.
1 week ago
...i'm gonna turn into it...this song used to jerk a,when i hear it,me thinks it's too late...i get a bump of adrenaline,wanna grab up the boxers,boots,bible and battlgear,Take Back my U.S.A...
...GodBlessOurRepublic... know what...change the lyrics...everywhere it says "GOD Bless The U.S.A".......
...put in "Take Back The U.S.A"...
...God will .02
Hear!! Hear!! A member of our family once told me that I was the most patriotic person they knew. If you, Cygnus, can still get chills from this song and the idea behind it, I guess I am on the right track.
Great thoughts, Ken.
Great song, Nephew! Can't help but get that surge Ken was talking about!
You done good, my man!
Ken, I knew one of you men would find the words to better the song-- part of why I posted it.
That's the message; that's the America I was saying WE THE PEOPLE not only know but still have the power to MAKE...
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