Ten minutes ago I was once again caught at the dinner table whilst tv news spewed forth.
This time I have to say I was impressed. For once in my life, I heard a newscaster blatantly lambast the American court system and stand up for a the Second Amendment to the Constitution.
Damn near fell out of my chair! By the end of Dobbs' rant-- and no bones about it folks, that's what he did, verbally pummeling not only the court system but congerssmembers, the NRA to a degree, and a slew of other deserving spineless pieces of offal that grace orifices of power-- I was grinning from ear to ear and affirmatively nodding my noodle so vigorously you'd have thought I was at a Metallica concert!
I'm sure many of you are familiar with our esteemed gubmint's case against one (sp?) Olafsen; for those who aren't and are interested, do a google search... [after completing my post, I searched EVERYWHERE; can't find any hint on the case; not one iota on cnn, the nra--nothing. nada. ZIP. Sad; very sad. proves my last paragraph. Or my sad search skills!] My point here is not to familiarize you with details; many more and better-qualified (Ken? Care to give it a go?) than I can do that. I just wanted to say that I do believe tonight was the first time in my ill-lustrious forty-one years that watching a newscast caused a shit-eating grin wider than my native state (the Lone Star one, folks; that's a pretty darn big grin! And a lot o' cloaca consumption... Guess yall got some crappy post-reading coming in the future HARHAR!!!).
Now, where are these types of media personae EVERY SINGLE DAY? Chances are, deeper than nose-deep up Mr Bigshot's anal sphincter...
L'Iris, 1861.
1 week ago
yeah, and a while back lou dobbs had a segment on the NAU, and another on TTC,,,i wonder tho, if he's reporting these things on MSM, is he allowed to?,,i mean, the news is OWNED by just a few rich sobs, and he is actually INFORMING an entire nation,,sleepwalkers maybe, but watching..i dont believe i'm pessimistic, but i know i'm vigilant, and i know misdirection and obfuscation are arts of the highest order..peace,,,
...folks like Dobbs are litmus test for the dotgovs'...they allow a few truths' to be told,'they' then judge the 'reactions' of the sheeple at large...he's a relief valve,allowed in the MSM,so they don't blow themeselves up(if the powers that be lose the MSM they're toast,our dotgovs're puppets)...simply look how they can silence someone like RonPaul...I'm sorry i missed it tho,I don't watch much t.v...
...'net' news is best anyway...
"allowed to"... Maybe Ken has a point; he's "allowed" to litmus us...
makes sense. Thanks,Eric, for the visit and comment. AS expressed, I don't gander much @ the tube either, and I was AMAZED, and can't express how much so enough, to see the owned media express said opinion.
Thanks for your insight, erik. Good to see you again; seriously.
Ken, I agree; all that said, though, I was damn near proud of the reigning media puppeteers for allowing him to speak as openly as he did. Really amazing, to see it on the omniscient cyclopse...
Thanks, men for reading and caring...
"allowed to"... Maybe Ken has a point; he's "allowed" to litmus us...
makes sense. Thanks,Eric, for the visit and comment. AS expressed, I don't gander much @ the tube either, and I was AMAZED, and can't express how much so enough, to see the owned media express said opinion.
Thanks for your insight, erik. Good to see you again; seriously.
Ken, I agree; all that said, though, I was damn near proud of the reigning media puppeteers for allowing him to speak as openly as he did. Really amazing, to see it on the omniscient cyclopse...
Thanks, men for reading and caring...
Double-posted the drivel; sorry!
Are you referring to the tenure lawsuit?
I got so tired of yelling at those guys on TV I had to stop watching. My wife was afraid I was gonna have a stroke...Really.
Tranquil, Bulls; Tranquil..
The newscaster is a presenter of news bulletins. This person may be working in the field of broadcast journalism as a journalist and electronic news gathering as well as a participant in compiling the script with a television producer to be delivered in a news bulletin. Thanks a lot.
Laura diaz latina
The newscaster is a presenter of news bulletins. This person may be working in the field of broadcast journalism as a journalist and electronic news gathering as well as a participant in compiling the script with a television producer to be delivered in a news bulletin. Thanks a lot.
Laura diaz latina
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