She Who Seeks musta had her antennae on high alert-- ol' Cyggie was REALLY in need of writ materials, when the call came in to bare a bit more o' the SwanSoul. This is one of those games/ assignments I love to.. what? Play? Do? Do it matter? NO! Ok-- let's play...
Everyone knoweth the rules. I gotta bare some soul, and request Seven others to do the same. Linkage, yada yada...
Here-- YOU seven are now tagged as well. Have as much fun as I did-- but, yall keep YOURS legal (hehe!):
#1.) Always #1--Venture a guess, everyone? Amelia, Ohio. Tag! You're it!
2.) Lazy...
3.) Tigress! [I still owe ya three money-savers, SunLady...]
4.) Sweetest of Cheeky ones...[I could tag her, but you'd never find her. She knows, though-- doncha, Pretty Kitty!?!]
5.) HERMIT!!! [LOL! I always gota include one who never do what be axed...]
6.) Bee can't be one, can she?
7.) I'd like to nominate myself-- had no clue what to say at first, until the first one said itself; then-- WHAMMO!!! Damn near ran the world outa ink, thiSwan did... but tagging yourself don't seem right. I mean-- like all men-- we could reach, we'd never leave the house, would we?!?
So... since Steph needs typing exersize...
There we are. Now-- on to what this is s'pposed to be about: ME!!! [Got yer boots on and Levi's rolled up? Might wanna... because]
Fact#1: I'm SHY, folks. Extremely bashful. I don't like cameras. I never have much to say. I'm scared to death to flirt with womens on the web. I wish I had the gumptio-- uh, oh. wait... this IS
the "write it 180 degrees opposite" posit, nest'ce pas???
#2: I get PAID to WRITE!!! That's wri--Uh, RIGHT!!
Just.. nobody tell the sheet metal company I 'work' for, whence I weild!
OK, so it's a vicarious internship. My labor job allots me myriad brain wanderance. Generally about mid-morn of slinging metals on and off carts, one particular bent sows itself well into the cygnuspsyche... When a phrase or scene coheres, I meander to my makeshift desk and do "paperwork"... Collectively, per diem, upwards of two hours might be invested thus.
WHAT?? you think I do all you reads, like, SPONTANEOUSLY?? Well, YERRIGHT! Just not solely b'tween the hours of 1900-1199...
#3: I'm Feelin' The Need...
To start distance running again. Maybe it's the upcoming onset of [Southern shores-exposed] surfing season. Mayhap I needs my abdominal six-pack back for an upcoming July display. OR... It could just finally be time to take the first step on that long road towards that l'il ol' race they run in Hawaii long about every October... [A lifetime goal of mine-- to complete those 140.7 miles...]
Whatever it is, my only concern is the 8- 12 lbs. I'll shed in the marathonic process. I'm only about a bill 70 as is, and the endurance athlete regime ain't exactly anaerobic-gains inducive...
Maybe I should look to dusting off the ol' rock-climbing gear in stead...
#4: Can ya Tell?!? I'm an ADRENALINE JUNKIE!!!
Here's a VERY SHORT lifelist of "Will-Do":
- Skydive [ to progress to BASE-jumping, gods willing! And even if they aren't...]
- Hang Glide
- Aerobatics (Flight) Training
- Multi-pitch, Multi-day climbing in Camp 4
- Canoe-camping in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness
#5: I Love To Dance With Mary Jane...
I haven't done so for going on seven months now [well, there were a couple fiery flamenco's here h-town way, but.. too short-lived! Ha!], but when we're together the waltz is 24-7-- from the time I wake until I bed down @ nite...
Oxymoronically, this has no negatory effect on #3 (or 4). In fact, she's actually my most favorite workout companion.
Hmm.. Funny... "feel the need..."
#6: I always wanted to be an actor. Or a stage buffoon, or a radio personae...
I remember reading a "script' from a textbook in elementary school, inflecting angrily as dictated. The class laughed-- misunderstanding. I couldn't fathom why they weren't reading as scripted; but, in retrospect, I wonder how many of them fathomed reading, period.
In High School, my friend Tony and I used a cassette recorder (ok, quit the mental mathematics-- you never did math then-- don't bother now! LOL!!) to pose questions, then would 'answer' via some song or another's lyrics. I s'ppose it's another "i gotta need"-- to create. I couldn't change it if I would...
Lucky#7!!! HAR!! are ya still HERE???
So if you ain't noticed, I love Love LOVE!!! words-- the Well-turned verbal as well as written.
I use play-on-words-- innuendo, double-entendre, multi-layered meaning-- any and every chance I get. And am overwhelmingly enamored by others who do the same-- most much better than Cyg [e.g. Pearl, Kyddryn, Sidhe...]
No wonder I'm polyamorous! LOL!
All right, folks; i've kept you long enough.
Yet, I'm going to make this an Eight-fold Assignment-- only because I went and got my ears lowered tonight. How's that tie in?
#8: The edge-up: feel free to spend AS LONG AS YOU LIKE on that nape-of the neck area... [and we cygni have some neck to work, ye note...]
Slainte, Folks! Thanks so much, Lady D!!!