How many of you folks remember your 100th post? (Or are still looking forward to it!)
What about your 100th "follower"? Yeah, i can't count that high either...
Now, let's say you were creeping up on your 100th post (mine blew by me like Ike headed to Tyler; I was in the 1-teens before I knew it.. er, kinda like my adolescence, come to think... but we're not here to do that!).. ok, your 100th post is just past, and your one hundred forty five followers are all clamoring for the rubber duckie that I swear to all gods is CYGNUS' LONG-LOST DUCKLING TWIN! I WANT THAT DUCKIE!!!
Ahem.. Now, let's say again that you...
What? Oh, SURE you can be batting 145-in-102 (or 103?), but you'd have to BEE...
Bee And Rose!.
Now, if the rest of you folks haven't visited this site, well... you must be the ONLY ONE... SUCKER!!!
Seriously people, this lady has some AWESOME talent, and a beautiful Irish Step-dancing daughter... and more family that you're gonna spend hours over there learning about as soon as you link there from either my sidebar or take the Express route above. And hours you'll spend, because after you go through the gogol of prizes she's giving away in honor of her 100th post (now ain't that HEART? SHE writes us 100 nuggets and SHE gives US prizes! It don't seem fair, do it?) you'll be enamored enough to hang around and read on...
See ya in the mornin', folks, because you'll LOVE the site until you wake in your chair, drool running on to your sock...
Slainte, Folks!
Magasin des Demoiselles, July 1854.
22 hours ago
I LOVE YOU! (and I am so sending you a tattoo duck so email me your address...)
That is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me! You have no idea what this means to me today of all days! (read my new post...)
My computer crashed, my son's xb360 died and my husband's flat screen bit it because of a flippin power surge that lasted all of 30 seconds!
Your very lovely and kind words just brought me right out of my pit of despair and into a happy place!
So seriously, send me your address...your tattoo duckie is on it's way!
Lots of love and tons of hugs!
YOU make ME SMILE!!! If the damned tears would stay out of the way now, I'd type you my email address...
OH! you want a PHYS... ok.. um...
WOW. I dunno what to say...
i guess what choice do I have... don't want a reel tapped on my head for disobedience...
You really ARE the best!
Um, Surge Protectors. Never need 'em unless you don't have 'em...
Love ya, Dawn!
Hi Cygnus!
I must be the sucker that was never there :( But not any more, she has a really nice site! Thanks for the intro to it :)
Lydia, I don't know what "suckered" her over to my site, but I'm sure glad she's here... and that site is THERE! She is great, ain't she?
Hope you win something! Anything but that duckie...:I
Thanks for coming in, Lydia! Have a great day!
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