Come One, Come All!!!
My love affair with the written word likely began in my childhood years: Dr. Seuss; Curious George; Jiminy Cricket...
I've always enjoyed reading-- and, of late, reciting-- poetry. My first recollection of doing it as an adult-- reading poems for pure pleasure-- is November 1995...
Clark County Detention Center-- Las Vegas, NV.
I ease off of the reading shelf "The Complete Poetry of Robert Frost".
'The Road Not Taken' (pp. 105, btw...) stands out. To this day it is my favorite of all poems. By my favorite of (poetic) authors.
Since that fateful Thanksgiving month [OH,THE IRONY; BUT THAT'S BRAINFODDER FOR ANOTHER POST, FRIENDS!] I've read a lot more poetry, and even chanced to pen a piece or three. Even the mass of readings required during my college years (A.A. Literature. Go figger!hehe!) were approached as entertainment. With full abandon.
Any of you who are interested in poetry as an art form, hence a worthy investment of Leisure time, I invite to follow me HERE.
I'm headed that way now, for a few hours of something I do too rarely these days: read for the pure pleasure of it.
[Of course it's understood that blogroll qualifies therein-- but that's more like LIFE, like NECESSITY... y'ken? Sure y'do!]
Slainte, Folks! And I hope you all join in! The more the merrier!
Magasin des Demoiselles, July 1854.
1 day ago
Clark County, Nevada...spent an entire semester listening to teaching tales about that county. Never was so glad to see finals week in my life! At least something good came out of there!
Now to check out that link...
Hiya Stephanie!
Yeah, something "GOOD"
Me. 12 years later...
Wasted. no longer living. Existing.
and to the day...
thanks for the visit, Lady S.
Cool! April is National Poetry Month (at least it is in Canada; I don't know about the States).
Robert Frost kicks ass!
Dr. Seuss was always a favorite too...Maniacal man...and a genius.
Hi Cygnus,
I remember my sophmore year in high school, we had a poetry section in my English Lit. class
The only poet that I actually remember from that section is Robert Frost.
3 of my favorites:
Nothing Gold Can Stay
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening and
The Road Not Taken
Thanks for giving me a reason to revisit some of his works. :) I love to read, but find myself with less and less time to do so lately.
Have a wonderful day!
Now I wouldn't call you wasted - just maybe the time, but maybe not...would you be the same person with the same goals (Missori) if those years hadn't happened? Now if you are like ny brother, that kind of resume makes finding work -paying work- hard...seems like some people never let you finsih serving your sentence but as the world spins down the drain you (and him) have a prespective that most of us don't and I really believe that it will be useful in the days ahead. But how'll friends or family expect some good advice from an experinced pov without people we trust to give that pov? And how can you enjoy the heights if you never had a valley? At least it seems that my brother enjoys life a lot better than others without all the bs that most think makes a ggod life. Seems you do too.
Me, I like Emily Dickenson. My first poetic love is Robert Browning's "Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came" Who can read that & not feel the anger, determination & hate or see the blasted grounds? It reads like a vision of some future nuclear hell but with great, determined hope. It is what inspired Stephen King to write his "Dark Tower" series. Too think I once told a proffessor that I extremely disliked poetry...the laugh was on me!
please forgive any typos...I blame the bandage
Felinae-- I'll recite all three to you in July...
I got one or so of his in grey matter...
Thanks, Lady!
Debora-- here in the U. S of A., if it ain't on the virtual babysitter( aka telly) it don't exist.
Poetry? The majority would ASSume it's something arboreal...;D
Sweetest of Cheekie Ones!! yes ma'am; Frost is a God. The ol' Doc had a knack, too... can't do december without The Grinch... wouldn't be.. well, it just wouldn't...
STEPHANIE!! I have book seven of The Dark Tower within arm's reach even as I type... and the browning-inspiration piece, too!
Dickenson, ah, yes... the term "Windows to the soul..."-- from her Fly-on-the-wall piece, non?
And your other points--- VERY VALID. Definitely taught me to appreciate the freedoms I see being yanked away these days..
I was.. upset at a just-read email when I typed the comment. It really isn't so gloomy as all that. Not now-a-days; at least I HAVE a car to suck all my paycheck away, and can get to a PAYING JOB to earn said...:D Thanks, ALWAYS, for your thoughts and words, home-schooling one...
Thanks all of you for the input! yall have a great weekend!!
Ok, I will hold you to that. Thank you, Cygnus. :)
I got all three in my head, Lady F, but will now move them to the heart and from thence they'll flow...
g'nite, Felinae...
So when are you going to share some of your own poetry with us????
Ah my dear B&R, I almost hate to do this to you...
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