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I don't know if this will show large enough for you to get a decent eyeballing (and who amongst us doesn't need a good one of those occasionally, eh?) but one can always hope.
Or Edit...
But that would mean, like, effort, dude.
So,uhhh... NO.
This took enough effort.
What? You think weeds pull themselves?
Nor Smokem Selves, either... Just saying...
Father, Daughters, and Nurse, about 1850
19 hours ago
I've got the perfect Jack Handey Deep Thought to add to your today's blog: "If you ever go temporarily insane, don't shoot somebody, like a lot of people do. Instead, try to get some weeding done, because you'd really be surprised."
LOL Sparkle! It'll take me days to peel this onion here.
Well, I better get to weeding...
looks like you will be having squash soon
Looking good Cgynus!
Looks better in real life, but the pics turned out good! Well done, nephew!
It's beautiful! My black thumb is envious of your obviously green one! :)
Hiya Molly!
Thanks for the compliment! I really aint doing anything but puttin' water on the dirt, pretty much... can't really take no credit for the sun making a seed do what it's gonna do when you add sun and water...
:D But it sure is rewarding!
Thanks, Uncle! Looks like I might have to keep an eyeon more than just the birds and snails...
hello there Sidhe.
But I bet you painted that green thumb black just for this comment...
cheeky thing. ;)
I am behaving! It's up to you to guess whether I'm behaving well, or...
I should ask you to put yesterday's poem on the couch; see how you behave then...
Wow Cygnus! Those really took off? I'm jealous - I so wish I had the knack for this stuff. Well we're months away from growing anything anyway.
You're going to have a great bounty there! Great pictures too.
Thanks Lydia!
Hang in there, Lady! The warm will cone before you know it...
Gorgeous! I bet you could even coax some green out of our dry hell in AZ!
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