Just had a real good talk with my uncle, real and good because we hit on making plans and formulating contingencies for and towards bugging out.
It's nice to have all you folks out there to share ideas with, to glean knowledge from, and to generally help in not feeling alone in a world full of blind sheeple-- you know, the wackos that think we're wacko for gearing up.
Ken said this more succinctly than I will, but it's folks like him, and Catman, and Bullseye, and Mayberry and a plethora of others so numerous I haven't even started to tap... you are the ones to whom I refer.
[And KUDOS to all the ones already out there 'doing it', such as Treesong, I Drive My Tractor In Pearls, One Acre Homestead, Phelan, Wretha... we ain't alone, folks!! Lead On, Ladies!!!]
Anyhow, over the next few days the Hermit and I will pow-wow about various aspects of readiness. Our plans are to make a journey to one soon, both eventually, pieces of property (one desert 'junk land', one forested seclusion), to scout not only the lay of the land but also "practice what you preach". [Who was it recently posted on "practice camping trips"? Bison? Ah well...the idea was sound.] This will also serve to familiarize ourselves with routes to & fro.. kinda a recon mission.
Yeah; I like that word...
Also on the agenda is consolidation of goods-- not so much to share them, as share their ideas: "Oh! i aint thought of that!" and/or "I needs one of them..." kinda thinking.
We're also going to plan for two different scenarios, one wherein we are capable of teaming up for the inevitable pulling out of the hell that is Houston, and one where two is not an option...
Above all, our plan is to KEEP PLANNING. Keep a low profile, don't scare the non-understanding fambly ones, and generally keep on keepin' on, 'till...
Wish i could get more family to at least think about it all; thinking along non-standard routes is, in and of itself, a preparation-- imagining any and every thing and how one would react to said. Works the mind, readies it for adaptiveness-- which we're all going to count as our strongest survival tool before it's all said and done. If more family -- or even sheeple-- would THINK... well, United we could stand stronger. Divide us, and all I know is I AIN'T GONNA FALL. Not from lack of common sense, anyhow. [Hold yer comments, peanut gallery...]
Well, I s'pose I've rambled long enough. And I could hope and pray that this Coming holds off all the longer, because couldn't we all use more prep time.
But by the same token, we ARE prepared. We'll never feel we fully are, and each and everyone of us is guaranteed to forget something... yet we're so much further along because we have been thinking, and watching and gearing up. And practicing.
Think I'll go fishing this weekend... I could stand to knock the cobwebs off..
Thanks, Hermit...
L'Iris, 1861.
1 week ago
...mornin' Cygnus...speaking of yer post,gettin' together and 'practicing'...having different contingency plans etc,thats what i've been doin'...things gonna start happening faster now,it was time to step back,re-evaluate...we've spoke of it before,good to stay 'fluid'...i will post of all my 'newsworthy' events later today/tomorrow...
It sounds exciting... packing up and heading to the hills. I'm not so much a hermit as you and Dad are, but I enjoy peace and quiet, and I look forward to the day when I can live on my little piece of land in the woods and listen to the crickets at night and enjoy a full four seasons (yes, count 'em, four). I've been seriously contemplating taking a week or so to visit, while I'm between jobs. Camping sounds fun.
Mornin' Ken; or afternoon now. Been out spending my hard-earned pay; needed two new tires on the auto. sucks to see the green paper disappear so fast, but consider the alternative- a blowout, on a Houston highway none the less... Thanks for the visit; i'll be watchin for your update.
Ashley, good to see you this morn. I think you absolutely should go up to your spot for a week or so. even with my new job, I'm gonna try& sway the hermit to head missouri way on our trip, which i'm somehow going to finagle around the Spring Equinox. Got a Witch friend i wanna work some magic with...
thanks for coming by! I'll be in touch later today-- chores to do in the interim..(roll eyes here)
Hey there A&M!
You know, the more I think about it, the more a treehouse sounds do-able...
I'm tinkering with a santa gift; if all goes well, i will be posting a video of the garden I'm currently alloted; no where near as stunning as your pic's, but its purpose is to keep track of the progress made of my revamping of the area. We'll see, come summer video, how successful a venture it proves!
Anyhow... Thanks for the visit, kids [:D ] ha!
Y'all take care!
Ah well it's all how you phrase it. See there is the directly there drive, then there is the scenic drive which is longer but way prettier...so drive the pretty way & enjoy the scenery. Or that other pretty way with the good restaurant - worth the drive ;)
And the truth too - the Ozarks hwys can get really congested with RVs and its a bear to have to drive 35-40 mph for m.i.l.e.s. So several less travelled roads is a really good idea. That is the truth too. Try and drive any of the two lane hwys around here during nice weather and you'd better add at least 15 minutes to the travel time. Now you don't sound so kooky do you?
The HSJ admin left a message for you. She takes suggestions for anti-spam words & will send the list too. lol She is a cool woman (lives in Canada).
Hi there StephanieInAr!!!
now, a pretty view AND good food en route... It doesn't matter if it takes twice as many hands of time!
Guess I'm in favor of all the added minutes ol' Cronus tacks on.. means I got that many more in store, oui? And what better way to 'spend' them...
Stph, helm me with the anacronym "HJS Admin"... I can't seem to puzzle it. could be the rather large home-cooked meal just consumed giving me the drowsies...
Thanks for the travel info! Honestly. And for visiting My Song...
Andy my friend, better is in the eye of the beholder. Or mayhap in the limb of the trees...
Either way, hard to imagine a sweeter locale! Gonna have to haul that water up ladder versus pedal it uphill... but maybe, just maybe, that wouldn't be so bad a thing...
! Cygnus
Hey man thanks for the mention. Glad to have another blogger and many others too that think alike. We'er all in this together and I'm proud to be surrounded by ya'll. So Jim really is your uncle, man that's great. A prepper that's close by and kin!! That's just too cool.
hey Bullseye!
Yeah, it really is great to have not only another like mind, but one that's a relative, so close.
Given the majority of the world's mentality towards mine, hard to imagine anyone calling me nephew as a term of endearment!ha! :)
Good to have all y'all out there in cyberspace, too; so many good ideas and things I've learned from everyone. The more sets of eyes, the better!
Thanks for coming over. What say we raid the ol Hermit's coffee stash?!?
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