Only I was A(n adult? use the term loosely-- i don't wanna grow up!) Male In A Hardware Store...
Just so happens the nearest post orifice is in a hardware store, and Iwas forced FORCED I tell ya to enter therein an hour or so ago-- had to mail the land purchase agreement (YIPPIE!).
They gimmicked me with the ol' display stand set up where you're going to pass it regardless of entrance intent. Now generally I don't fall for advertising ploys such as this-- in fact I often scoff and wonder how many sheeple are wasting washingtons on crap they likely already have and never needed in the first place.
But this was too good to pass up...
All Seeds 1/2 Off Marked Price
Yep, they hit me right in the soft spot. And this ain't one of those deals where they mark the price up 20% and then put it on "sale" for 10% off. Most seed manufacturers print SRP right on the packet. Aside from which, seed prices are something I'm fairly knowledgable about...
I took it as a good sign that, after yesterday's blog on "saving", I was going to the P.O. to mail my land papers and ran into this little gem of a deal.
Then I get home, and lookie what was in in my email box...
[Special Thanks to HermitJim, my uncle, for the 'feed' (no derogatory tie meant, Hermit!)]
Ironic; I chose the title for this post before I'd even seen the video.
[ A Little Blog-surfing Later]
A REALLY SPECIAL THANKS to MOLLY... All preppers/survivalists MUST visit this site. A PLETHORA of practical information.
I'd been toying of late with the idea of starting a second blog, as, like any human being, I have wide and varied interests. I ultimately decided against it because I believe all life is, or should be, synergistic. I've commented here on reasons for wanting to "get away from it all", from spiritual beliefs to preparing for some Cap'n Tripps-type apocalypsia, to merely wanting to be more healthy and self-sufficient and avoid the McPackaged consumerism.
All the synchronicity of events of late-- purchasing the Ozark property, having days like today, reading all the wonderful views in the blogosphere-- convince me that staying with one blog is the right choice. This is My Song, folks, the cataloged combination of curses, blessings, trials and tribulations that will someday transform the ugly duckling humbly before you into...
[Thanks to all who have and will contribute...]
Post[Ha! double entendre not intended!]-Scriptum:(2036 hrs local) Can't wipe the grin of me ugly mug AGAIN!!! Mayberry, thanks for the visit. And ALL you preppers, keep bloggin'; keep the info flowing. From you I learn. With you i will excel post-apocalypse
L'Iris, 1861.
1 week ago
Glad you found the seeds and got out of the Hardwre Store with some ducats in your pocket!
Just keep the poor old uncle in mind when the harvest comes in...
Hey, how else we gonna fill those Ball Glasses???
On the morrow, my friend
Hmm survivalist eh? My hubby reads a glock-talk forum and I've seen a survivalist folder there. You might like it, if you don't know about it already. I know nothing about it, though, so if it's crap, don't blame me. LOL
Hey So Not!
(don't you just LOVE the way that sounds? HA! I Do!)
Don't know if i fill the bill or not, and fairly convinced that it don't matter; i'll check it out... no blame either end!
Ain't "seen" you in a while; good to have you stop in again.
I'll be entering, mayhap multiple entries as i qualify, in your latest of contests... simply because i, like you, enjoy writing for it's own sake.
Thank for swinging back by...
See you tomorrow-- at your place! Ha!
[ hey lazy.. linkage?!? i'll find it @ your place, or inquire thereafter...]
For the Survivalist forum?
Pretty sure that is it though my hubby says there are some crazies there too. Hehe.
Ooops...I meant crazies there *though* not *too*. Gosh that sounded terrible. Apologies; I didn't mean it like that. :-)
aww ta Cygnus, I am glad you enjoy my ramblings. I love the net, we have so much we can learn from one another!
Totally off topic and some trivia for fun, we have white swans here on our river (we also have black which are native to the country) The white ones were brought out by the poms (aussie slang for the english) about a century ago and this is the only place in aussie they have successfully bred.
Thanks, Housewife.
Don't know if i'd have read it 'that way', ;) but do know the last think i'll ever strive for is "normal"
NORML, mayhap...
Hi Molly! glad you visited my ramblings; I'd hardly label such useful info on your end such! :)
Cool info on the swans. Strangely, i saw some in Austin, biking the Town Lake trail (I was biking, not the swans... that WOULD be strange!). Was a pretty powerful moment for me. They're pretty special to me, given they Stand Guard atop my family crest. And the story of the Children of Lir...hard-- nay, impossible to put to words...
Hi there andy&mel! you,too,eh? won't be any hurried or hi-energy activity from this body today...
thanks for coming by, everyone!
C.,i need more seed,how come i can't find those displays...i did get one similiar at my local true value hardware late last summer...but it wasn't HALF off...most of my seed comes from a local 'feed-n-seed' named Moores,prices are avg...but...he's a local...i'm still trying to keep my bizzness with the Mom-n-Pop shops
i like your style... always good to keep biz w/ mom&pops when feasible. this was kinda a sweet find... may go back and stock up--after i check against Monsanto ownership of the seed variety (see the link in HermitJim's comments section, today's post.
Thanks for stopping by!
Hi! I'm here following a link on "The Blackbus".
I loved this post and the video. I never really thought about processed food starting as a baby but ... it's true. what a shame!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I enjoyed my visit here!
Small Footprints
Hello Small Footprints!
Glad you came by to visit. Aren't andy&mel the sweetest!I was really flattered...
Glad you enjoyed my$0.02!
Thanks for your comment:)
You lucky dog! They're probably hybrid seeds, but they'll work for this spring.... And thanks for the shout out....
Mayberry my man,
I think i came out 50/50--looks like my Clemson Spineless okra and sweet banana peppers are open-pollinated, or 'heirloom', varieties; the spinach and Contender bush beans I aint so sure on. i tried to avoid packages that were truthfully labeled hybrid (none of these 4 are), but needs more research to claim true...
BTW, there's a really good link in the comments section of HermitJim's post today on some caliphony folk doin in the city a helluva job... and they have some info on their site what daels with Monsanto ownership. I'm about to go there, fearingly-- bet Ferry Morse seeds are 'Big M.'-owned:I
But like you said, theese'll do come spring. Normally i order from S.S.E./Heritage farms, but at my bargain rate of $0.80/pk versus the $2.50+shipping...hell, had to pinch the lincolns...
Thanks for the visit!
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