Been The # Today...
Today is Wotan's day (Wednesday, bastardized), the Third day of the week...
The spot named Three's, not too far from Waikiki's (another surfbreak name), was one of my favorites when I inhabited the isle of Oahu in '86-'87. I dawn- patrolled it every morning I was off of work and the other half wasn't...
I had Three text messages on my phone this a.m. when I awoke...
I've had Three persons on my mind today, almost to the exclusion of all else...
Three nights ago I had a series of dreams-- Three separate dreams, to be precise (honestly!)-- about the same person. (Progressively more positive, thank you! :D) ...
I'm gonna meet a new "friend" in about Three weeks...
I've been paying on my land for Three months now...
In Three weeks, in the Third month of the year, I go to visit said acreage.
The moon goddess will be in her Third phase at the time--waning, my most libidious and creative moonphase, by far...
Slainte, folks!
Update: Since Earlier Post
A quick trip to the local food warehouse (closest of the three mentioned recently).
A mandatory Metallica blitz on the airwaves.
A small attitude adjustment.
A quick homage kneeling in front of the garden.
And a video for designated Assholes worldwide.
You all better wake up, men.
Though really I hope you don't.
L'Iris, 1861.
1 week ago
I don't know about numerology but I always called Wednesday hump day so maybe so maybe you have crossed a hump in your life.
If so it is all down hill for a while so sit back and enjoy!
Hey Rod, The day certainly humped along--Einstein had the relativity thingie right, non?
Just a thing of three three's insofar as numbers. It.. It's not a bad thing...
...yep,i get good vibes,got a lottery ? bet on 'em...
Hmm.. Ken, we gots one, but I never play. But a friend in Reno keeps telling me to buy me, her or us a ticket.
Might be propitious.... :D
Thanks for stopping by, buddy!
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