Sleep, That Is
I don't use a snooze button. My $0.02, it's like waking yourself up to get ten more minutes of sleep.
All the excuses (i can't justify the term 'reason(s)' here...) I hear as to why folks interrupt their sleep so they can wake up later just don't... I just don't quite fathom.
If you snooze, please try and help me understand. May be futile, but ain't so much of life?
Slainte, Folks!
L'Iris, 1861.
1 week ago
A recent study found that the three minutes of sleep you get after hitting the snooze button are the most important of the entire sleep cycle.
But, Ashley, how? the sleep is marred by shallowness, insofar as I experience it... the "icantsleepcauseigottawake" mindset...
Hey, wanna go to Mo.?!!?
Never used one man. If I am gonna be woke up I'm gonna go ahead and get up I guess. Just my 0.02 worth.
Right on target, Bullseye. I see sleep as sleep and wake as an excuse to drin.. oh, wait... and wake-up time as just that. Wanna wake up in stages?
Sit up
Brush teeth
There. Awakened.
Thanks for the input, buddy!
I am in complete agreement about the snooze button...I hate it and never use it. Asshole on the other hand lets the damn alarm go off for almost an hour every morning hitting the snooze button at least 6 times and it drives me crazy!
sleep?..damn bro its been a while since i had some,,,love to have that problem,,,,peace 'snooze, button here,alarm clock is back-up,coffee pot on timer is what gets me up on work days,smell of that would bring me out of a coma...internal clock,or something like force of habit,i do love being up when the sun comes up...something reassuring,renewing...
but...(always a 'but' monkey)...couple hours into most days,some asshole makes me wish i stayed in bed...
I like the snooze button so I can spend ten minutes or so deep breathing and preparing for my day. I don't sleep, really, but I do relax very deeply, remember my dreams, and say a little morning hello to the Universe. :)
Luckily I don't have to follow any one elses' schedule but my own, so no snooze for me.
I think, like Ken, the lure of coffee is what really gets me going.
Mi. Mommy-- there it is. Had roomates before who did that crap. Waking ME up before time...
Just don't get it...
Hiya DarklyFey!
Now that's one of the most sensible retorts I've ever read. You are, in essence, waking up, but kinda remaining in a near-Alpha state...THIS makes sense. A REASON for interrupting the Morpheusyndrome.
Used to do the same upon auto-waking every morn-- dream recollection.
Thanks for coming by, pretty one...
The auto-alarm is something I never trained myself to do until necessity deemed-- found myself needing to wake early for a construction job and had no clock (was a road trip, and one was never packed. Days before cell phones, mind you--which is where my alarm blares from these days...)
Gotta say i'm with you and the Hermit on the COFFEE being a good reason for wakeage. Set the pot to brew, and smell and sound negate the need for any other contrivances...
Thanks for ringing in, Bro!
Good to see you, my man!
I'll see about sending some relaxing energy your way.. Don't get enough of the realm of slumber myself.
Parties, especially...
Take care!
Uncle, all's I can say is, LUCKY YOU!!!
I'm a-workin' on it, I yam...
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