Well, I could say I'm overwhelmed at the response in comments on yesterday's posts, but that would be a bit... untrue.
There are a few 'new' readers who chimed in, too, but this is the Blogoshpere, and though not expected by any means, there is a Knowing that when you've had a shi+&y enough day to blog about, your daily friends will at least offer a slap and a loud "Snap Out Of It!!!" lol! Why would the more recent glommerons be any less sensitive? No Reason nor rhyme...
I want to send out a heart-felt THANK YOU, ALL! to those who chimed in with cheerful wishes and comments yesterday. Sincerely-- Thanks.
You may be sad, happy or indifferent to hear that today proved balance exists in the Universe; I was almost giddy with mere motions of normal life. I suppose the Gods felt some respite was due after yesterday's Uriah Heaping on me of every emotional pitfall I've earned this go...lol!
So they saw fit to remind me that whatever is next on life's ticklist is all that needs be focused on-- and dad gummit focus with a fury! Oh, wait, make that a passion; not sure, as a Pagan, I want to give Furies any more involvement than they presently have! Anyhoo...The Project.
I'm prepping for this Spring Equinox Missouri camping getaway like it's actually gonna happen.
And I'll tell you why it will, it MUST. There's no turning back now because...
On the way home from work today I stopped @ my favorite sports and out-of-doors store, and for the bargain barter of five paper bones, picked up one of those folding chairs with a built-in koozie. So, there's like no way I can't go now.
I spent my allotted 45-minute samich feast drafting a rough list of necessary items. Keep in mind that this is a three-day camp-out, essentially, and not an extended visit. My three main -- no, four, cause you never wanna forget asspaper...-- priorities are, in order:
1) Water. I figure five gallons per person would cover three days, excluding showers. Drink, cook, and wash ( the latter sparingly-- dishes, body spots...) And mayhap a visit to a nearby stream will aide. Hell, a nearby stream would negate necessity of hauling in packaged stuff.. but that would be expectant of providence. Not a Prepper's bent, non?
2) Food. Again minimally a five-day supply should do it. And simple stuff will suffice here: potatoes, oil, onions, canned meat, a veg or three, some ramen noodles... Beans. Peanut butter-- hell, you know! What do you take on a weekend fish/camp trip? And I got plenty o' preps, but those keep for the Apocalypse. I'll splurge and get fresh stuffs for the weekend.
And always the possibility of blow-darting a squirrel or rabbit to supplement the potatoes. (Note I didn't use the word PROBABILITY... be fun to try, but I'll take an extra potato and a garlic clove or two...)
3) Shelter. Now, this one... actually this reminds me that even before I wrote 'water' down and bought the koozie chair-- thus inexorably setting the Event into motion ( I "So Mote It Be" apostrophe d the heavens, so...y'know; it's a done deal...) I finished outlining what needs be done to Molly (my car; "Molly Maroon" be her sobriquet! Not our Brilliant-Blogging Aussie! :D) Looking good there; a front-end alignment, maybe a new rear tire or two. And some brake fluid; all else is primo.
And I put this under shelter because, folks, I'll be in the boonies. Come a horrendous thunderstorm, TEOTWAWKI, a.. heck, just a good back-up plan to a tent-- the car is solid.
Now, I plan on tenting for the duration. It's a CAMP TRIP, for all intents and purposes. But I'll have some green pieces of paper on hand for emergency needs of a hotel etc... but let's say shelter is more than covered and move on, shall we? We got blogs to read, comments to make, research to do, kids to tuck in... Et Cetera Ad Infinitum...
And I could add a #4 clothing section, but I'm thinking it's Spring Equinox, with Osatra not too far away, and what with wanting to blow a rabbit, hell, why bother with cloth??
It just don't sound right, but stands none the less...
So, my friends, what has this old bird left out?
And those of you in that neck of the woods-- do it seem like a tent in late March is tempting the Fates (or Furies, Goddess forbid!)? I have all the minor stuffs like insect repellent, band-aids, a radio, hiking shoes...
Hey folks, thank you again for the smiles and grins yesterday. And the hugs (u know u). I'd ask for a kiss, too, but would needs navigate to another address to do so, according to post title.
That, and I have to hold my tongue.
For the squirrel, y' ken...
Come back with commentary, o gallery of peanuts...
L'Iris, 1861.
1 week ago
...can't keep a good man down...
...Welcome back Brother'o mine...
Never really left, my Brother.. just visited left field...
Played there a time or three, so, you know... not unfamiliar territory! Ha!
Thanks, Kenster...
Well in mid March you'd better bring some warm things, temps take some pretty big swings. Right now we are still seeing upper 30s at night and expect to be only in the mid 40s at solstice. You might get lucky but if you don't have warm clothes - well you won't.
You might need more water but there should be gas stations or something where you could get more without having to fork over the $$.
Don't forget a pad for under your sleeping bag or you will never be warm. Like all camping trips don't expect to drink that water from the stream until you treat it somehow. Even spring water you have to be careful of - and murphy is just waiting for you to forget. This time of year it is very possible to have a temporary spring due to all the moisture.
Bugs shouldn't be much of a problem unless you have a boggy spot on your place. But thorns - you might bring something to hack away viney type growth if you really plan on exploring.
Might also bring something for marking - spray paint or flag tape. If you find a good spot while the growth is down it won't look the same next time and might be a bit tricky to find. Be sure and dig down to find exactly where the soil is.
Should have said how deep the soil is - it can really vary in the mountains.
Hey this got me thinking, how many people are coming to this shindig? And is everyone camping or are some just visiting?
Stephanie is right, being March in the Ozarks is no guarantee of weather. It could be warm enough for shorts and t-shirts, it could damp, humid and rainy but not too cold or it could be cold enough that you'd want to stay by the fire under a heap of clothes and blankets.
Steph--You are a godsend! THIS is what I needed...
thje craic about the spring was tongue-in-cheek. There's no running water on the prop, so I'll haul in all of mines. I'll double up on advice...
The temps is what I wanted to fathom... great beta there. I'll come ready, sleeping pad and all...
I'll do the machete, too; this is a tentative exploration, but may as well leave some elbow grease behind, eh?
oh, and I'll be checking on soil, garden possibilities, housing-appropriate spots... in general, getting the lay of the land. The reason for the trip is to get the land's lei,and plan for the Ultimate Move...
Thank you, my friend!
Livia-- clothes and cover are the one thing I AM prepared for! HA! Seriously... even ib=n a tent.
And it was originally gonna be the Hermit (uncle) and me, but I'm not sure he's in now. At most, two. Kinda want it low-key, y'ken? Me,the land, the waning moon. Mary. An accomplice... ;P
just me (and maybe one other, fambly,) camping. And ready to Hotel Motel holiday inn if neds be!HAHAHA!
Can't wait!
PURE MAGICK!!!!!!!!!!
Spring in the Ozarks is a very magical time! Sounds lovely! There is deep and old magic in the Ozarks! I am sure you will come away invigorated!
Sounds like ya getting sorted hun! Wasn't about much yesterday, so just had a read...if I had been about I would have slapped ya upside ya head and then given ya a hug. :)
Ah but I was not. It is very common to have a temporary little brook during springtime. A good thing to know before building kwim?
About 8 years ago we made an effort to move to these mountains. It was sloping but not bad & some scattered flat areas - easy to build into the side of the mountain so front is one story and back is two, a walk out basement thing. We went walking in early spring to get the lay of the land. Brambles were a problem. Sometimes you don't realize you are in a patch until too late & boy didn't the fairies move the safe path! And once things began to grow we couldn't even begin to find half the flat areas again until the next fall. Surprising how much is there just waiting to grow.
Now as friend to friend - you might remember to take a deep breath and remember that rural MO can be pretty Bible belt. Don't be surprised if you do get invited to church - just say you'll keep it in mind or something kind of nonbinding because if you sound interested the hunt is on lol. If anyone asks just say you have private beliefs or something vague. Most of the time no one really cares but the gossip line burns hot and you don't need a reputation that you haven't earned before moving. Of course no one ever gives you sainthood qualities. But it depends on the locals kwim? Most are pretty easy going but all it takes it to accidentally get one person going...
Ever hear of dry counties? Some counties don't allow alcohol sales. You can bring in in but gotta be careful not to be seen drinking *out*. In our last town it was illegal to drink on your front porch - not that it was enforced but it could have been if the officer/ptb wanted. Keep your refreshing beverage in one of those foam insulating covers around the campfire.
You should be fine. The mountains will be in good spring form by then.
Stephanie? I think I just fell in love with you! :D
Seriously, thanks a million for the info.
Will def. be careful not to fly my Pagan flag if'n I meet neighbors ( the nearest plot in the area permanently occupied is a god ways away, but I do know country folk-- we'll find a reason to visit a new face and touch base; just good humanity to boot...
And if I have any inkling to sip suds, I'll keep dry in mind. Used to live in one o' those counties. Too young then so it wasn't an issue...
This may be more a spiked cola-type trip anyhow-- y'know, special and all!
I may try and finagle a long Fourth-Of-July weekend, too, if this round stokes me (and hard to see where it wouldn't!!), so the full brush-hogging necessity may be revealed then... either way, I'll keep in mind the changing vegetative states.
And if I do find a brook or stream, man oh MAN will I ever be giddy! "Water is Life."
Than you so much for the info and pointers, Ladyfriend!
Drink Deeply...
Hi there Bee and Rose! Thanks for zipping back over to see what's swimming in Swansville...
Invigoration sounds ... sounds, heck-- it's NEEDED!!! ha! I'm sure the land, She won't disappoint...
Take care, now, and come again soon!
Well Edain, I hope the hug swiftly follows the slap, else I might have time to let my overfertile imagination wonder... or is it wander... Hmm. Does both, I reckon..
Hope your not out and about yesterday was nothing other than just what it was...
Stay healthy, and Muchas Gracias for the visit and words!
Love this post man. Get out there and test your preps. I think you will be fine with a tent and Molly as a back up. As long as ya got plenty of beer and snacks for a few days you'll be just fine man. I can't wait to read the post when you get back. Hang in there brother, I'm pulling for ya Big Time.
Glad to be of some help. I've already got weird nailed down - sooo many kids, homeschool and (gasp!) a som who dances ballet too...not to mention the freezing night I went knocking on unknown doors looking for missing chickens. Yep, got weird down pat.
Wwyrd, you say? Never heard of them, sister(s)...
now i know i'm in love...
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