Okay, I've got one for you. I dreamed a lot of things last night but the part that sticks out in my mind is as follows: I was carrying a fish tank with living fish in it. And as I was carrying it the tank started crumbling and falling apart in my hands, leaving me wet and worried that the fish would die.
FYI I have a fish tank with three fish in it in my bedroom. But I don't get the significance of the tank falling apart in my hands. I'm also a very watery person, does this mean my watery emotions are messed up?
...here's one...not last night,but is reoccuring,is post 'collapse',firefights are plentiful,and my aim is true...dropping 'zombies' left and right,always run out of ammo,always wake up to the muzzleflash of the 'enemy',charging my location...is fluid,and changes in minor details,sometimes controlable to the degree i pick different cover and such,trying to change the out come...
The important things here are that you recognized a connection between your dream world and the waking one-- most dreams are filters, and 85% or better of them (for those who constantly remember; don't know if the math holds true for non-rememberers. You also recognized the water/emotion aspect-- the energy, force or direction water symolizes, as prevalent in your life. So think about water and it's most primal meaning to you. You seem to be more focused omn water iself than the fish inhabiting therein. Fish are generally seen to represent longevity and health ( hence the koi and carp in so many oriental pond gardens...)
Is emotion becoming "uncontained", overriding the life it was meant to compliment?
You asked the right questions, and in doing so already deciphered the meaning, to you, of the dream (and the to you part is important-- what water means in someone's dream analysis book i moot if it symbolizes something entirely diff for you).
Now look to the dream again; explore the details that seem(ed) inconsequential at first review.
Herein are the clues to what to do to contain the overflow, or breakage, or...
And here it gets a bit more complex...
More soon!
Hey, thanks for visiting! "Five cents, Please" Ha!!! :D
Hi Pearl ! such a pleasure to see a new face, especially a pretty one, around this old nest!
Your dream is easy, Lovely one:
80 to 90 percent of what humans think every day is a repetition from the day before. Your going through familiar villages, but are running because you are hurrying to discover the "new" 10%. In short you are seeking the creative influx which will allow you your dream-- to write for a living. Find your voice (the 'new' village ..:D) and you can and will stop running...
Ken, another simple one. (The term 'simple' is relative...)
Recurrency is paramount of importance in the dream world.
The details change, yes-- they will. Consistent is the fact that you will never feel (nor 'be') prepared enough( that's the running out of ammo significance). Also you'll always "drop" zombies; until the event unfolds, the mind will continue mulling over possibilities-- e.g. the details will change. And the dream will re-occur. And when it does, you know you are still headed in the right direction-- that of doing all you can day to day...
Hey man, thanks for giving me food to exersize the grey matter!
Usually I'm a little more acurate, but a girl friend visit and three frothy ones have me, shall we say, non-chelant?
Man I thought I was gonna get to watch the Dream Weaver video. LOL
My dreams would scare the hell out of ya man, they do me. Always running, chasing and hiding from the emeny. Sometimes on the offense, sometimes defense. Always in a truck or on motorcycle with guns blazzin. I shot a bunch of 'em and watched them die. I have even been shot and woke up with an extreme pain in the area where I was shot. It's so real it's surreal, lol Wake up covered with sweat so much so I have to take a shower. This only happens 4or 5 times a week though. lol
I got a good one for ya Cygnus.... I dreamed that I had to go to our other facility in Lake Jackson, but it was a power plant instead of a hatchery. I had to run the plant, but it's control systems were completely foreign to me. I had to "wing it", and figger out everything from scratch.... The whole time, I felt extremely out of my element. Very nervous. All I wanted to do was to go home, and I spent a lot of time outside smoking.... That was a weird one!
I never remember my dreams anymore, but I always used to have a dream that was about my first crush...we were older (probably in high school) and on a bus and I was always so in love with him in my dreams but every time he would lean in to kiss me I would wake up...and it drove me insane!
C, thanks for the reading my man. I am sorry to say you are right on target. I am in process of getting all parts of my life in order as I type this. Thanks again Brother, you da best.
Um...Hello:) Found you via Allie's (Misadv Mommy) blog...So you're the dream doctor, eh? I have had some fascinating dreams over the last year or so...want to give it a go?
a) Aug 2007...dreamed husband was bitten by a huge rattlesnake (like anaconda size) in our bedroom...(I know, I know..lol!) I killed the snake and rushed the hubster to the hospital. Fast forward to next day in real life, he actually ended up nearly dying from a ruptured appendix at the hospital.
b) Feb 2008...dreamed husband died in his sleep next to me...I tried to revive him but was not successful. Fast forward real life two days later...husband finds out from cardiologist he needs an emergency triple bypass surgery immediately. (this came completely out of left field...) He actually died in the hospital..they were able to bring him back...thank heavens!
(My husband does not like me dreaming about him! LOL!)
c) A few weeks ago, I dreamed he died in our bed...my side of the bed was normal...his side of the bed was a grave. I could hear the paramedics clicking the gurney down my hallway to come take him. I remember feeling very sad for my 2 children. Then I packed up my kids and moved to Ireland to pursue my daughter's Irish dance career...lol! Bizarre! (she really is an Irish dancer..)
(I actually assist local police departments in missing person cases, etc..I have a strong intuitive background...been studied by 2 major Universities, yada yada yada...but when it comes to the hubster, my antennae does not work...period...except seemingly in my dream state...)
Thanks so much for visiting My Song! I'm glad you enjoy it.
Well, I'd say there is a connection between your intuition not effectively encompassing your husband, and all these Morbid dreams of him.
That the connection psychically is only effective un- (or sub-) consciously (in this case, showing only through the dream sphere)obviously ties to your love for him.
Still, you have an uncanny connection there... I understand he ain't happy when you dream of him in this light, but if ever there should be solace in forewarning, this is the time...
Is it only when he's in harm's way that you're "informed", or does this connection transmit benevolence as well? Just curious...
Don't know that I've been of any help, but will state the obvious to close-- better informed of impending danger than clueless or totally unsurprised...
Be fascinating to hear about that "extreme intuition"; better hop to your blog and browse... :)
Thanks so much for your comment, Lady! Hope you visit again!
Okay, I've got one for you. I dreamed a lot of things last night but the part that sticks out in my mind is as follows: I was carrying a fish tank with living fish in it. And as I was carrying it the tank started crumbling and falling apart in my hands, leaving me wet and worried that the fish would die.
FYI I have a fish tank with three fish in it in my bedroom. But I don't get the significance of the tank falling apart in my hands. I'm also a very watery person, does this mean my watery emotions are messed up?
...here's one...not last night,but is reoccuring,is post 'collapse',firefights are plentiful,and my aim is true...dropping 'zombies' left and right,always run out of ammo,always wake up to the muzzleflash of the 'enemy',charging my location...is fluid,and changes in minor details,sometimes controlable to the degree i pick different cover and such,trying to change the out come...
...well,you asked...lol
If only I could remember mine!
Actually, 95% of the dreams I remember involve my jogging through villages/small cities I've never been in but seem to know my way around...
Hi Livia! good to hear from you...
The important things here are that you recognized a connection between your dream world and the waking one-- most dreams are filters, and 85% or better of them (for those who constantly remember; don't know if the math holds true for non-rememberers. You also recognized the water/emotion aspect-- the energy, force or direction water symolizes, as prevalent in your life.
So think about water and it's most primal meaning to you. You seem to be more focused omn water iself than the fish inhabiting therein.
Fish are generally seen to represent longevity and health ( hence the koi and carp in so many oriental pond gardens...)
Is emotion becoming "uncontained", overriding the life it was meant to compliment?
You asked the right questions, and in doing so already deciphered the meaning, to you, of the dream (and the to you part is important-- what water means in someone's dream analysis book i moot if it symbolizes something entirely diff for you).
Now look to the dream again; explore the details that seem(ed) inconsequential at first review.
Herein are the clues to what to do to contain the overflow, or breakage, or...
And here it gets a bit more complex...
More soon!
Hey, thanks for visiting! "Five cents, Please" Ha!!! :D
Hi Pearl ! such a pleasure to see a new face, especially a pretty one, around this old nest!
Your dream is easy, Lovely one:
80 to 90 percent of what humans think every day is a repetition from the day before. Your going through familiar villages, but are running because you are hurrying to discover the "new" 10%. In short you are seeking the creative influx which will allow you your dream-- to write for a living. Find your voice (the 'new' village ..:D) and you can and will stop running...
Many thanks for stopping by, Lady!
Ken, another simple one. (The term 'simple' is relative...)
Recurrency is paramount of importance in the dream world.
The details change, yes-- they will.
Consistent is the fact that you will never feel (nor 'be') prepared enough( that's the running out of ammo significance). Also you'll always "drop" zombies; until the event unfolds, the mind will continue mulling over possibilities-- e.g. the details will change. And the dream will re-occur. And when it does, you know you are still headed in the right direction-- that of doing all you can day to day...
Hey man, thanks for giving me food to exersize the grey matter!
Usually I'm a little more acurate, but a girl friend visit and three frothy ones have me, shall we say, non-chelant?
My dreams? Man, if we ever get to be somewhere and get to share a jug of hooch, I'll tell you some of mine...
Hey Catman, sounds like a dream to me,man! LOL!!
Man I thought I was gonna get to watch the Dream Weaver video. LOL
My dreams would scare the hell out of ya man, they do me. Always running, chasing and hiding from the emeny. Sometimes on the offense, sometimes defense. Always in a truck or on motorcycle with guns blazzin. I shot a bunch of 'em and watched them die. I have even been shot and woke up with an extreme pain in the area where I was shot. It's so real it's surreal, lol Wake up covered with sweat so much so I have to take a shower. This only happens 4or 5 times a week though. lol
Talk to me man.
...Thanx for the input my Brother...maybe i need one of those dream interpretation books !?
...nah...i'll save the money and abuse yer brain instead...lol
I got a good one for ya Cygnus.... I dreamed that I had to go to our other facility in Lake Jackson, but it was a power plant instead of a hatchery. I had to run the plant, but it's control systems were completely foreign to me. I had to "wing it", and figger out everything from scratch.... The whole time, I felt extremely out of my element. Very nervous. All I wanted to do was to go home, and I spent a lot of time outside smoking.... That was a weird one!
Bullseye, the good thing is, you so seldom are paranoid... [ hey, you can interpret sarcasm, yes?]
ok, so you are running, skeered, always fighting...
Gonna run forever, or DO something. And shooting back in general don't count. DO SOMETHING.
Organize, my friend. Not prep,which you already do. What do you KNOW you are neglegent in, at, or on, insofar as preps? Better take an honest look...
Just passing on the reading, Bro...
"OUR" facility... so you are an inherent part of your work. Or enjoy it more than even you care to admit...
A power plant, not a hatchery( e.g. energy not food). Food you, YOU can do.
May want to hone up on energy knowledge.
If your boat has the same hull as mine, we ain't so near where we need to be in this category...
Do you smoke? I ain't askin' what, just realize that it's symbolic of/for stress relief, or the need for said.
Prepare in your lacking areas--as we all should; we have strong and weak points. Explore your weak spots, and improve them.
Thanks for asking, Mayberry. I love your blog and visit daily. Glad I can mayhap return some.. thing..
I never remember my dreams anymore, but I always used to have a dream that was about my first crush...we were older (probably in high school) and on a bus and I was always so in love with him in my dreams but every time he would lean in to kiss me I would wake up...and it drove me insane!
C, thanks for the reading my man. I am sorry to say you are right on target. I am in process of getting all parts of my life in order as I type this. Thanks again Brother, you da best.
Um...Hello:) Found you via Allie's (Misadv Mommy) blog...So you're the dream doctor, eh? I have had some fascinating dreams over the last year or so...want to give it a go?
a) Aug 2007...dreamed husband was bitten by a huge rattlesnake (like anaconda size) in our bedroom...(I know, I know..lol!) I killed the snake and rushed the hubster to the hospital. Fast forward to next day in real life, he actually ended up nearly dying from a ruptured appendix at the hospital.
b) Feb 2008...dreamed husband died in his sleep next to me...I tried to revive him but was not successful. Fast forward real life two days later...husband finds out from cardiologist he needs an emergency triple bypass surgery immediately. (this came completely out of left field...) He actually died in the hospital..they were able to bring him back...thank heavens!
(My husband does not like me dreaming about him! LOL!)
c) A few weeks ago, I dreamed he died in our bed...my side of the bed was normal...his side of the bed was a grave. I could hear the paramedics clicking the gurney down my hallway to come take him. I remember feeling very sad for my 2 children. Then I packed up my kids and moved to Ireland to pursue my daughter's Irish dance career...lol! Bizarre! (she really is an Irish dancer..)
(I actually assist local police departments in missing person cases, etc..I have a strong intuitive background...been studied by 2 major Universities, yada yada yada...but when it comes to the hubster, my antennae does not work...period...except seemingly in my dream state...)
Soo...dream doctor...what say you?
(Love your blog, by the way!)
Bee and Rose...
Thanks so much for visiting My Song! I'm glad you enjoy it.
Well, I'd say there is a connection between your intuition not effectively encompassing your husband, and all these Morbid dreams of him.
That the connection psychically is only effective un- (or sub-) consciously (in this case, showing only through the dream sphere)obviously ties to your love for him.
Still, you have an uncanny connection there... I understand he ain't happy when you dream of him in this light, but if ever there should be solace in forewarning, this is the time...
Is it only when he's in harm's way that you're "informed", or does this connection transmit benevolence as well? Just curious...
Don't know that I've been of any help, but will state the obvious to close-- better informed of impending danger than clueless or totally unsurprised...
Be fascinating to hear about that "extreme intuition"; better hop to your blog and browse... :)
Thanks so much for your comment, Lady! Hope you visit again!
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