Nor have I for a long,long time.
No motivation.
Don't care about music.
Don't care to write.
Don't care to read.
Work doesn't interest me.
Just don't care. I'm tired of it all.
Just thought I'd offer some insight as to why this site has taken such a drastic turn south of late.
I know what the problem, or block, is, but there's nothing I nor anyone else can do; It's gotta self-correct.
If and when it does, the world will be more balanced. Mine, anyhow.
Until then, I'll keep existing, because for me there are no other options.
But without that catalyst, nothing much matters.
Slainte, folks.
L'Iris, 1861.
1 week ago
Nice, well put together.
Hi Lorna! Great to see a new face here!
Sorry you caught me on such a down day...
Truth is easy to put together. Don't sugar-coat it, and it is what it is...
Thanks for visiting My Song! Hope you find it worth another visit soon!
Ah, laddie! Certainly you know the auld saying!
Coimhéad fearg fhear na foighde.
I might if i heard it in a tongue i could fathom, o wizened whiskered one...
Please tell me it translates to " Your red-headed soul mate is on her way to find you. SOON"
It makes me sad to see that you're so depressed...that's not good at all...I'm supposed to be the one depressed ya know turning 30 and all!
Anyway I hope that your funk ends very soon...lots of love...and hugs!
Man I just knew there was a lady behind this. lol Hope your soul mates comes to you on wings of beauty and love and tenderness. (Did I just say that???) Anyway, hang if there brother, you got friends. I be one of 'em.
Hey Nephew...I'll drink to that!
It is what it is and there is probably nothing you can do about it sooo then..
It is what you make of it...
And tell your Uncle Jim to have one for me to.
The smile mentioned earlier grows more and more pronounced, and the funk considerably lessens, my misadventurous one, seeing you here...
And really, girl, all the fun has only just started. Ah, thirty...
Prime, m'Lady;
We could pretend you didn't, but there it is in black and white...
And ain't there always a fleamale responsible? In this case, responsible for not being! DAMN! I just cain't win! ha!:)
You guys are the best, man! Thanx for the words...
Much Love, Brother...
Well uncle, If'n you put Rod's away, and your'n, and maybe mine too... least one of us'll feel good tonight!
And I'll be the one feeling so upon the dawn...
[ But then, you can sleep; I'll be earnin' a livin'...
Man, we gotta get out of this place!ha!]
Thanks for the words and visit, My Friends!
Hey, Cygnus....
Thought you might be a speaker of Gaelic for some reason....
So, "Coimhéad fearg fhear na foighde."
means "Beware the anger of a patient man."
No I don't speak Gaelic....just ran across the saying on the web.
I know just how you feel Cygnus. Went through that myself recently. Seems everyone needs time to just not give a shit for a while. Then, hopefully after only a little while, the light changes, or the clouds shift, or the blockage becomes unclogged and things look better and more interesting again. Hang in there!
Theres nothing I could say that hasn't already been said by others Cygnus, so here's an Aussie hug...chin up buddy, as one door closes another opens...
Don't give up! We made a deal. I'm the one who's giving up. Dad is supposed to be disappointed by the world. And you're the one who stays positive and keeps the rest of us moving forward. Unless you wanted to switch, but you have to let me know.
Wish there were better words than I understand but there aren't.
Ah, Cygnus, I'm sorry to hear this! Spring is coming - will that help?
Cheer up, my new friend:) It seems there's lots of love to go around here for you!
Thanks for the input on my dreams yesterday:) I don't give away too much on the bloggy about my magical side...well, I did do a blogwitched post today, but it's very tongue in cheek...I share with friends, family, the police (of course!) and those in need. I've been doing this for a very, very long time:)
I agree that I am perhaps being forewarned of upcoming events with the hubster. We both have come to terms that his life is short. I think most days he just wants to be done with it. Lots of issues with heart disease, blah blah blah...He is a high maintenace soul! I just feel sad for my children. But as I dreamed, I will be off to Ireland to heal!
Thanks again for sharing!
Thanks to all you folks for your encouragement...
Been a better day-- I'll be posting about it this eve.
All of you in the blogosphere ARE a healing source. And a motivational one. And... I could go on and on, but you know; I know you feel at least a tad bit the same!
Lots of love, folks, and sincere thanks!
And Catman-- what website the Gaelic??? You're the second one who's done this (no, I don't [YET] speak Gaelic); I'll google in a bit and see what comes up, but figgered it can't hurt to ask...
So?!? Whuh Wha Whuh???
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