Ten days ago I direct-seeded my backyard garden area. So early in the season, and the weather being unpredictable at best here on the Gulf Coast, I wasn't sure the luck.
Figured the greens-- bib lettuce and spinach-- would sprout as cold weather-preferring plants:

Was right-- in fact we saw sprouts not five days after seed...
The green beans aren't much of a surprise either:

What is, is their extraordinary growth over the last 3 days. The seedlings are by far the strongest showers in the bed, some as tall as 4" from poking dirt three days ago...
Some squash-- yellow crookneck if I remember correctly:

And most surprising to me, given the warm-soil preference of okra, is to see several stout seedlings on the rise...

There's also sprigs of onions (not pictured) coming up.
Fairing well, considering the time of year, and that the new growth and constant watering are confusing Smokey and C.B. about litterbox options...
I thank you for dropping by, and hope you continue to come share joy at Nature's progress through another Turning of the Great Wheel...
Looking good, Nephew...looking good!
Tasty salads, they are a-comin, uncle!
...looks good Brother,keep up on the pics...surprising how fast they sprouted...did ya fertilize(other than the cats i mean...lol)
wooohooo Cygnus, looking good! I envy you, beccause of this move I havent planted a thing:(...but the new opportunities, once moved will be wonderful, so Im hanging onto that lol
Proud pappa of some lovely baby plants. Hope they grow well.
Tis cool to see the new life! Ya lucky, we are still deep in snow here. :)
Hey Ken!
Good to see you back in action, friend.
no, only cat offal as offering to the plant gods... but this was a garden for a couple years running-- soil turned easily with naught but some aggie work...
"s the weather. Nice stuff!
Hey, thanks for the encouragement!
Molly-- so sorry to think of all the work you left behind (or will leave), but someone'll eat good come harvest time... oh wait, that's close for you, non?!!
Yes, I can see the new yard like a painter would a clean canvass...
Thanks for the visit, Molly! LOVE your blog!
Hi there Steph!Good as always to hear from Razorback Territory...
Yeah, i aint too sure about the implications of beind "papa" to PLANTS i "direct-seeded"...
Seems lascivious to me...
Growing goeth fine; I hope fruiting is paramount!
[ Geez, could this get another 'X' rating??]
Hey Edain-- perfect weather for some canned-from-last-year's-garden stew, and Robert Frost, and a blazing fire, and a blanket, and...
Ooh! Red wine! we got the red wine, right? Good...
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