Man almighty, my friends...
It's WHAT time???
All my telling devices, including the new(ly set) one from my sis and her hubby as an xmess gift, are in agreeance with Sol rising...
Meaning it's WAY TOO FU*%!NG EARLY! Or late; hell, the argument depends...
What is one to do in the daze b'tween christ-mass and the Gregorian, or more accurately the Julian calendar's New Year?
I'm gonna go to the country, take those deep breaths, and likely partake in a frothy adult beverage or three...
Yet methinks me acquaintance might lend me a minute or so on his communications device. (He better, or we'll end up boxing for 'em!!!)
ok i jest.
None the less, if i don't visit you all as frequently as 'normal' (LOATH! LOATH!) with regular sequacious didacta, you've at least been clued in as to why...
Then too, if i return with a guitar in hand and my own computer...
All right, damnit, i'll quit threatening ya...
More Soon.
Promise [? or... ;) ]
Father, Daughters, and Nurse, about 1850
18 hours ago
Sounds like a good plan to me, Nephew. A little break from the City can only be good for ya...I'm thinking.
Be safe on the trevels...lots of crazies out there.
just no tacos for a day or three'll be a blessing...
I guess I know what to get you for your birthday. :-D
What's that?
[trying to spoil surprises, c'est moi..]
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