Animae Beauty Version...
Mighta been several moons ago, but this song spake, of a magical night, to me.
It did again all day today...
These lyrics...
SO beyond RIGHT...
I may be Cygnus, but have had the Dream of Oengus...
[ Which, oddly, are not incompatible, now are they!?!]
Slainte, Folks!!!
Tintype gem brooch, ca. 1860s.
1 day ago
Not incompatible, but an odd juxtaposition nonetheless.
The moon this evening was orange, and she lit my way home which was a blessing, because I am exhausted and was ready to fall asleep and let the van drive itself home.
I have gremlins in my fuel meter, to boot, and no idea how much fuel is actually in my faithful, beloved mule.
Neither here nor there.
Are you what you dream yourself to be? Who is the dreamer, and who the dream?
Worth thinking on...
Shade and Sweetwater,
Ah, but not even an odd juxtapose, me friend...
For, to finally .. BE with, to be complete, Oengus needed commit to SWAN FORM for half existence.
So much meta-stuffs here, we'd needs have more lifetimes to explore..
check water in the fuel-- maybe a water-removal additive, to start...
I AM BECOMING... that is all i ken.
From what or who, TO whom or whah, well, that IS the question, aren't it?
yes I am, WOMAN.
And that is not ego.
Ami i Lao-Tzu, or The un-cocooned one?
worthy, indeed...
Thanks, Lady Kyddryn...
Well, that's different stuff for me brother but, I kinda like it. Relaxing and I sure need it. Back at ya soon my friend.
Code Name "Bullseye"
glad it relaxed you, Bulls...
For me, it stirrs... undeniable longing. it IS the voice i've both heard and am waiting to follow to the Elysian fields again...
Thanks, B. m'man...
I agree...very beautiful and relaxing. Pretty song. I hadn't heard it before. Thanks for sharing. Hugs.
...always a cool post/vid,you really need to be published somewhere...yer writings belong between hardcovers my Brother,yer way too limited here...
I'm humbled and honored by your words. Thanks, my man.
A dream worthy of pursuit; thanks for seeing potential success.
Glad you enjoyed it, Lady X!
Thanks for wathcing... beauty aboundeth!
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