And... it was great while it lasted...
But, fair MollyMaroon, I canna shell out anymore ducats to keep you about, you bottomless pit-whore, you!
I stripped you bare.. I poured heart soul.. dripped sweat and blood; ripped flesh at times...
Still, you abandon me.
You ask, at a time lacking beyond all other times of me fair existence, more than FOUR FIGURES -- before the decimal enters play-- JUST for the honor of returning home.
Not only do I na know anymore what that is, but were I privy to said comfort I would na share it's locale with you.
I slept with you-- IN YOU, literally... for nights on end. Through rain, and mud, and a field or three-- and yea, even that night through the Gulf Coast snow-- you carried me, singing all the while, keeping me warm.. my only companion...
Alas, only to abandon in this, my poorest hour, my most needed and desirous of your ability to transport...
Good-bye, my Maroon One...
Ye weren't me first, and likely won't be me last.. but I shall ever hold the keys that once sparked your coil in my treasure chest...
Father, Daughters, and Nurse, about 1850
18 hours ago
Oh, poor, poor Molly...
And poor Swan, with no means of fancy, that is...
Stirring tribute, Sir.
Shade and Sweetewater,
Gawd, hope I last longer than that MOlly LOL!
Hope you find another that you enjoy!
Awww, I'm sorry about your MollyMaroon...I remember when I had to junk my first car...I was crying as the wrecker was towing her away. And it's true, it wasn't so much the car that was being towed away, it was all of the memories, good and bad, within...
Cha bhi fios aire math an tobair gus an tràigh e.
The value of a well is not known until it runs dry.
Peace - Rene
Lady K..
A new means of flight hath already proffered herself.. but...
In naming AND acquiring...
And Cygnus is naught..[and naughtY] lol] if not...
PATIENT... (but only for 'pretty nurse' ha~!)
Molly-- Her Namesake!...
Oh, but ye ALREADY HAVE, Me down under one, ye already have...
And will, I ken o' you! haha!
Thanks, me Aussie Lady...
Lady Rocks...
Was that the one you 'traveled south' in???
May she be bronzed...
Lady Felinae... my Lady A...
do na get so tired--
although the Maroon one JUST had 4 new ones [tires] bequeathed...
Are YOU TIRED? andd in need of REST?
Because, I na wanna let some go... y'ken...
na you, sure...
You asked "Are YOU TIRED? andd in need of REST?"
Me personally? No, I'm good to go ;)
You remember that line?
You kill me.
That poem has become infamous.
I had a drunken frat boy send me a vid of him singing it...
Peace -Rene
Aww it's hard ta loose them. My first was a Cobra - I hated loosing her too. Hugs and a strong shot of somthing good!!
Blessings, Sarah
Raises a wee dram to Molly!
Ah, I find it difficult to part with machines as well. Many times I have preferred their company to people.
Maybe just a good belting, and she'd snap to?
Ah, but... we shall see-- it may not yet be over, for... I do so loath to part with her...
If Only...
well, we shall see...
Thanks for the visit, Cat...
Farewell, oh Farewell.
But... is it REALLY to end, is it really over?
Oh, the pull...
Thanks, Lady Holly...
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