I was Polar Bear this morn; I strove to be Penguin by afternoon...
I always love Love LOVE aggressive Pussies...
And would that, in the end, I be the bulldog that NEVER QUITS!!!
Gads, the PERSISTENCE!!! LOL!!!
Enjoy, my most favorite folk in the entire world! [Because, REALLY-- outside o' the Blogosphere-- do any others exist?!?]
Now, folks, THAT DOG CAN SKATE!!!
And speaking of the 'End Shot'... All's I can say is, FOLLER THAT DOGGIE!!! Har!!!
Father, Daughters, and Nurse, about 1850
19 hours ago
Aww...these were cute, thanks Cygnus for making me smile. :D
Loved the kitty videos, especially the one going after the bear.
Have a goodnight,
Girlie, I tell ya-- when you're there, you're THERE!!! [Or is that HERE??] Can't have been a few minutes ago the post went up; I was perusing the others and VOILA! My favorite catlady arriveth!
Glad you likes, M'lady Felinae... Cygnus desires naught but to please-- especially purry ladyfolk!
Sweet dreams, Catty One...
Too funny my man. What can I say? The K-9's got skills. Good stuff brother.
Code Name "Bullseye"
Bulls my man, Ive seen doggies do trix, but one that RETRIEVES the board and headb BACK UPHILL with it? Barkie Lassik fer sher, dude!
Those cat videos are even funnier than when I first saw them! ROFLMAO...as the roomies stare at me like a crazy person!
Good choice, Nephew!
Too bad we can't conjure up a "Day Of The Animals" kind of scenario where they go after liberals and people with Obama bumper stickers.
The only problem would be in the halls of Congress. How would any of us be able to tell who the good snakes were...
Hermit-- i watched them several times in succession. Decided I would pass on the night's allotted sit-ups; the gut had received enough exercise for a week or so...
Catman, m'man, I say sic 'em on the SOURCE of the sticker, on the namesake so many ignoramuses are alleging to...
And, um, are you speculating a good snake or two mighta sneaked it to those previously-hallowed Halls, Cat???
Hmmm. interesting thought...
Thanks, men!
That was great Cygnus. Cracked me up. I've seen that dog on a tv show in the past, he's really good!
thanks for the laughs.
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