Again. And Again. And again and again and agai...
Way too peeved to contemplate writing a post tonight, folks. My car came back from the mechanic's-- all roses. Cost? Next to nothing, relatively, to replace an ignition module and set right three spark plug wires that DANE'S AUTO in Nederland, Tx., crossed when they replaced those. [Hope you never needs travel to that Armpit of Texas, Nederland-- or any of the "tri-county" area including Beaumont, Port Arthur, and whatever other cesspool they include-- but if you DO, and you need auto work, and are chugging past Dane's, do yourself a favor and KEEP PUSHING YOUR CAR ON DOWN THE ROAD. Long run you'll be better both physically (for the exercise) and monetarily (just use the greenbacks to kindle your campfire that nacht; you'll get more use out of them that-a-way...)]
So, the Uncle drives the thing home. Hunky-dory.
Until Cygnus enters the picture.
NO JUICE. NONE. Nothing at all-- not even dim interior or door lighting
Battery tests fine. So, if I have any wits, that's the end of them.
The kikker is, whatever gods there be-- and I doubt, folks; DEEPLY DOUBT... they don't even see fit to remove me from the face of this planet. Too damned much fun to continually STOMP INTO THE GROUND, seems I am.
I need a shower, a STIFF Turkey 101 (which I won't have, the latter, because I don't have, and for no other reason! lol! [FINALLY! Sheesh I need a laugh! Instead of BEING ONE...]), and some... thing else. Je ne sais pas what.
I will do rounds of bloggereading after warshin' the arse (sorry for the visual. Unless you liked it. Then-- ah hell, come on over. WTF), so I'll 'see' ya then.
Anyone know a CarGod? If so, Wanna Sacrifice It?!?!!
I'm in!!! I'm LEADING the rite, in fact...
Slainte, folks!
L'Iris, 1861.
1 week ago
Dang gods sure do like to fock around with you, lol.
How's the alternator? (That's the first thing that popped in the brain with the whole no juice but good battery statement)
Get thee clean man, then have some Jack on me (or in a glass...whichever you choose, lmbo).
Alternator is next on "my" list, but why would the car not start and THEN run down after the battery failed to recharge... unless the damned thing was bad WHEN THE HERMIT LEFT THE AUTO MECHANIC... and the drive ran the battery down.
But try and explain that to...
Good point, O. Momma; you've given me REASON for backing my intuition-- which is seldom too far off.
"I told ya so", prove it to be the case, is a MUTHAFUKKA...
THANK YOU for helping me see another branch. I gotta get this bitch (Molly) fixed; wasting time and money that should be spent in Them Thar Hills...
And i'll take the prior... i mean, why leave a glass in need of future washing? [Damn, woman... another smile-- and here I am trying to be peeved at the world! LOL!]
THANKS-- sincerely-- Lady...
Well I don't quite know whether to join you or not. Either the God of Autos loves us enough to keep the oldies running & keep dh's accident mild OR we pissed him off in the past and we will never get anything lined out at the same time. Maybe the problem is she's tired of being one of the guys?
Look at the alternator belt too. We had that come up a few weeks back. Have the lights seemed a bit dimmer but otherwise fine? The belt might have been stretching before breaking.
Life is a highway, I'll be walking all night long...
Cars are like women...can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em. ;-) Hope you feel a little better after a shower. HUGS.
I drove 26 miles before with the alternator out Cyg and had no clue other than the slowly dimming lights that something was wrong with the POS (I mean Grand Am, really I do)...ran all that way on battery alone.
Glad to give you a giggle...that's a challenge I'm always willing to face!
Steph... Thanks for the visit, Lady...
I just think it keeps the oldie running... enough to sink more fundage in to...
Walkin' with ya...
Xanadu-- I always thought the closer there was "and they don't pee standing up"...
Sure, i couldn't live with her if she!
Thanks for the hug, Lady!
O.Momma... oh, Momma!! ha! ok, so I'm a wee bit better. Let's roll with it...
As i were not driving, I am wholly with the possibility that the alternator could be the problem. my words were meant to say just that-- you, me and the AutoZone guy hit on the same piece of equipment, as a first guess. When the fambly mechanic espouses the same manana, We'll Get 'Er Dunn...
I agree-- when the car left the shop, it ran all the way home (like that l'il piggie!! [BTW, are ye tikklish? Never mind. We'll soon see...]), then NADA.
SCREAMS alternator...
Thank ye beautiful creatures for chiming chord on My Song...
I know, I know...crazy woman rattling car stuff at ya, lol. Comes from sittin' on the block while Pops was tinkering with the '77 Cougar (which I learned to drive in...yeah, monstrosity).
Now, you plan on fixin' it yourself, right? Come on Cyg...bring 'er to the airport on Sunday and I'll help!! I do have an hour to waste.
O.Momma-- you name the airport, I'll be there with that hour, PLUS... MollyMaroon be damned...
check the engine ground. usually there are more than one.
Dragon-- Thanks. I got the one headed direct to the alt.-- solid.
This model has an "extra" ground, tied in to the neg post on batt and going gads knows where. Comma daylight menana, will trace that one. Short of (and much cheaper than) the alternator, that's the place to start.
Thanks, man...
Sorry I have no auto wisdom to share with you. I generally kick it and pray. For you, I'll offer a few prayers for a prompt, inexpensive recovery!
Sorry you're going through this. I also don't have auto wisdom, but surely know how it feels when there's trouble with them. :(
Hope you feel better by now and good luck with repairing. (this too shall pass....)
I don't know zilch about auto gods, or autos, but it sounds to me like Eris has been having her way with you.
Hang in there man.
OT but did you say your place was in the Piney River area? So what hwy would you be driving when you make your great escape?
[c. checking maps.. will return..]
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