Honest This Time, Folks...
[Just A Heads-Up To The Delicate-Of-Ear...]
I awoke from last night's 'nap' (can't rightly call 1.5 hours of sleep a night's rest, now can ye?) to a financial butt-fucking-- ol' Cyggie being recipient...
I had a good talk with Joe Schmoe last month at XYZ Corp-- a financial lending institution. My primary question was confirmed-- APRIL was to be my last large (e-)three-figure payment to said corp, leaving debt settled.
Turns out what we'll call a "mutual oversight" was made. Long about midnight last here come-a some'un with a handfull of sand...(versus K.Y., y'ken...)
I won't bore you with petty details. What I AM going to do is piss and moan that this raping , on top of that Gods-forsaken buick [I refuse to call her by name until or unless she starts acting right], is continually bleeding me profusely from the anus...
Originally I wanted to tuck tail-feathers between swan-waddling legs, to fly to some safe misanthropic haven and hide from the world in general and blog obligations in particular, if but [heh! quit with the puns already!] only for a few days.
I decided in stead to ride [fly?] it out-- to WRITE IT out... After all, there's a large handfull of you out there whom I consider close family, and the remainder of you are, minimally, good friends. And if one canna cry to friends and fambly, well... s/he hath no tears to shed...
Quickly, then, I recovered from the piss-poor-excuse-for-a-human-being-feeling the event dragged me into, realizing it ultimately matters most that the excessive additional time needed to recover from this dick-it-to-ya, Cygnus! debacle will stall THAT MUCH LONGER my escape to the Ozarks.
I don't know how much longer-- that depends on how much that bitch-assed buick (I won't even properly CAPITOLIZE it..),which went to shop yester'een, sucks from me sphincter by weeks end...But, [Cat]man [and Brother Bulls-- hey! doncha love we're all ANIMALS? I ne'er afore noted, consciously... HAR!], delay be DELAY... And de lay SUKKS!!!!!!!
Okay, I reckon that's enough spittle-spewing for one sitting...
So, until the next thing pops ITS ugly head up {and you KNOW, folks, if it ain't the one thing it'll be the next}...
Slainte, Folks!
(erm.. and, uh-- sorry fer gettin' the feces in yer ear...)
L'Iris, 1861.
1 week ago
OK, eww...and...aww, sugar...I'm sorry.
Poor Molly...gettin' old is Hell, and I'm sure she's sorry.
Wish I could help you...guess I better get busy winning that lottery, then.
Shade and Sweetwater,
May Lady Fortuna smile upon you soon.
Hey Cyg,
Sorry for all the problems of late. I hope things turn around for you soon. I know they will, maybe not in the time frame you'd like for them to, but eventually.
On a side note, I don't know as I'd be so gracious as Kyddryn and share my lottery winnings.
I might just have to use my winnings to buy that property in Kentucky that Catman has his eye on. ;)
Well, that sucks that things aren't going well for you. Good things just HAVE to come your way. That sounded like a load of fun...not! Hugs.
Hey my man Cygnus! Just remember shit happens for a reason; it's good fertilizer for later crops!
(I speak partly from experience and also from a place of hope, having had to swallow much shit these last couple of years.)
Ok - thanks for the warning - but didn't deter me from reading on... despite the anal comments( great metaphors).
So sorry hon, hope things start to turn around and quickly. Be a duck - let it slide off and breathe a bit. A few hugs and calm coming your way.
Namaste hon - hang in there, Sarah
's why I love you, me little wench: because I know you're fibbing! lol!
hey, better be aware-- sometimes bulls reads my tripe-- and remember the saying-- "Be careful what [bull] you ask for"...
Thanks, Lady F...;D
Deb, M'Lady...
she may... she may indeed already have, and the day be naught but Karmic dues...
Thanks for the blessing, She Who Seeks...
You've won it, Lady K... now...
how you gonna spend me-- er, i means "IT"?!??!
But... seriously???:D
Holly.. you profane this commentary with said "d" word... haha!
"It is weak and silly to say you CANNOT bear what it is your fate to be required to bear"... [Jane Eyre]
Is there such thing as a "bitch kiss"? Because, that seems more apropos...
Thanks, Holly for the wordage, the reminder...
Oh, Livia... i want SO BADLY to ask, innocent- and hopeful-eyed, "Um, You SWALLOW???"
But, there be ANOTHER BIRD invading swanspace...
nope.. no ducks, no swall... ah, what man in his right mind gonna complete the last-- with real meaning, i mean...
[sorry, liv... i HAD to go there... lol! hope you ain't too sore...]
Sarah, darnit! ANOTHER DUCK???
Hmm.. may be time to see into a feather job...
Oi..... It always seems like "one step forward and two steps back", don't it? I often wonder just where the hell that ladder was that I walked under. Crap, I just remembered me dear wife has a black cat! That bugger crosses my path every day! Good thing I ain't superstitious. Right? Or am I..... Oh sh!t.......
C, brother, I feel your pain from here my friend. Sending you all the best energy I can round up man. Sorry to hear that XYZ Corp is dead set on stickin it to ya. And Molly? What the hell is she up to? That's not like her to bite the hand that feeds her. I guess as of late she's been doin just that tho. Open your heart and mind brother, good energy is comin your way.
Love to you my brother.
Code Name "Bullseye"
Well my Brother Bullseye, as it stands (or more accurately, as She sits--) in the shop this afternoon, she's up to about $285.00...
damn, a REAL GIRL would be cheaper, it seems... lol!
GOOD to see you back and about, BrotherMan... THANKS for the energy... seems to be channeling well-- if not to M.. uh, 'the buick' [har! no capitiol, no 'name!!!], then to other areas...
ALWAYS, Bro... Love Back Atcha.
THANKS, Man...
Mayberry... I wonder, too, where the one is; I'd like to KICK IT DOWN... instead of seemingly SPIRALING under it! lol!
Thanks for the words, comrade...
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