Or, rather tries to let a video or three do so for him.
First choice-for-voice video: HATEBREED's I WILL BE HEARD.
Disabled embed. Damn...
Then, an attempt to the positive, to show what i'm working in the time off: The Little Enging That Could.
I can, and Will-- that's as definitive of who I Am as much as anything.. but I CAN'T and won't subject anyone to ten-plus minutes' worth of time for a cartoon... (Woulda been cool for the kiddies, though!!)
"Is next? Swimvear!!!"
Oh, sorry... old commercial... welcome to the American sheeple-mind...
So, third time's a charm, right?
The third choice woulda been person-specific-- (the group) Apocalyptica's video I Don't Care .
"Embedding disabled by request"...
Yep. Fits the person HARHARHAR!!!
[But youtube the thing (see it here. go full screen. HOT HOT HOT!!!...) Well worth it! Spin 'er around in the hall, man!]
Anyhow... thanks so much for the support-- right from those I had NO DOUBT it would stem...
And a VERY SPECIAL thanks to those I'll miss Independence Day week... SUX, July now... but other ops will arise...
Then again, my son, Lance Earl McL... was born-- in Kapiolani Women's and Children's Center, in HONOLULU, HAWAII, on the 4th of JULY.
OHANA, indeed.
More soon, folks!
Father, Daughters, and Nurse, about 1850
18 hours ago
Oh, a Mute Swan...
Independence Day is a while off...should I win the lottery between now and then, I'll hook ya up...right after I pay off mah debts, buy mah land, and set my house a-buildin'. Sorry...girl's got to have priorities.
Meanwhile, I'm off on a video hunt on YouTube...because I don't have to pack or fold laundry or anything...
Shade and Sweetwater,
K (who may actually be a ghost in the machine, she's online so much...)
That Little Engine vid...that was a trinket of my youth that I had forgotten about.
Thanks for finding it in the attic that is YouTube!
Oh, Apocalyptica, I swoon.
Peace - Rene
why, Lady K.. a woman without Priorities I couldn't love... so you MUST have 'em...:D
C'est moi-- cygnus alor...
Re packing: you did include the maybe-needed kitchen utensils, OUI?!?
Rene-- to see YOU swoon would make me Swan-- er, SWOON...
thanks for the visits, o gracious Ladies!
Well...I find myself wishing for a spatula, but will have to make do with a spoon...or some tongs?
Barring those useful things, I supose my trusty spork will have to do.
Shade and Sweetwater,
I get the impression, Lady K., that chopsticks, wielded in those hands, would more than suffice...
**none the less, ol' C. runs off to lend spatulate...**
Now, THERE'S the utensil of the morrow...:D
Oh, I forgot about the chopsticks, nestled with the spork in the bag I made for 'em...lovely things they are, too, the wooden tips stow in the metal handles, screw on and off for ease of use/carrying. Geekery abounds...
And yes, I AM quite good with 'em...
Shade and Sweetwater,
K (an odd sort of Lark)
Odds and Evens...
paper Rock Scissors..
Spoon, fork, Spatula, spork...
I say we try 'em all.
When do we eat?!?
I don't mind playing chef-- cooking, that is...
I like Apocalyptica's video and to have 3 Days Grace frontman, Adam Gontier doing vocals, it's all good not to mention that they are very easy on the eyes too. ;D
The first time I saw the video was with my daughter, she's watching it and then all of a sudden shouts out....
"It's crazy! how does he spin his hair around like that and not miss a note? Do you think Daddy can make his hair do that?" hahaha!!
Oh to be a teenager again...
Many Smiles-n-Hugs
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