Been a busy last few days for the MacMeister-- all good. I gots some sore muscles from doing some landscape cleanup yesterday and Tyr's Day; got much more @ both sites to do. And look forward to doing so. Really does boil down to loving the dirt under my nails, the Earth in my nostrils, and seeing the end result-- something where nothing was, or nothing where something was in the cases of cleanup/ trimming-- the open, airy spaces giving heretofore choked plants & shrubs some suneshine-sperading growing-room
I love physical work. I feel it more as the seasons continue progressing at seemingly alarming rates, but... I like that, too. Means I'm keeping somewhat fit.
I love the challenge of gardening. My attempt @ lettuce, cabbage, spinach... not showing any sprouts yet. Two weeks ago this stuff went into the clay. BUT... we've had a beaucoup of rains, and it is, in all honesty, a good bit more cool a clime than I've habited and greened my thumbs in for the majority of my adult life.
And just means I'll needs be all the more attentive, learn some new patterns and cycles. I'm cool with-- no pun intended-- the challenge...
Tonight I'm gonna take some more of last summer's okra culling and make a small contribution to the evening feast (again). I was gonna do country-fried steaks (aka, to me, as chicken-fried, but... it is beef. Can be, anyhow....), but apparently they aren't so prolific a thing up here (hell, you'd think I were in New York City ["GET A ROPE!!!"], the unavailability of them things here-- from resteraunts, to the local Dairy Queen. YES, I damn near walked out of the one visited for lunch today when told they didn't have those. ["WHUH??! No Dudes?!?]) Oh, they gots some li'l bitty cubesteaks @ the local mart, but...
Well, the fried okry will provide grease enough for tonight. I'll do the CFS for Kyddryn's birthday. Besides, don't wanna let 'em know I can do all the meal in one night. I mean, how would a man get any hockey viewage in thata-way? lol!
Speaking of-- tonight's featured match at casa de crazy is the Colorado Avalanche vs. Dallas Stars . My two favorite teams, my being
a) A Texan (bred and cornbread fed!!)
b)A[n aspiring] rock climber
I normally pull for one or the other of these teams-- until they meet, as oft they have, in the Western Conference Finals. Then, well... it's all Av's, seeding be damned!
And it's time, folks, for me to get to it-- to fry some garden fruits, to toun on the boob-toob, and to enjoy.
And the weekend sans seven-year-old, too?
Ah, well; too bad for all those sore muscles...
Slainte, folks!
L'Iris, 1861.
1 week ago
DQ with no Dude! That's gotta be some kinda crime. Damn yankees....
Seems them yanks are all way down Georgia way too, Mr. Mayb... Really, it don't seem right...
Thanks for the visit, m'man; always a great pleasure!
I missed some reference here, I'm sure, Lady Kydd...
Grits-- the corn-made-- I know.
The anacronym? Not so much...
Care to enlighten me?!?
G.R.I.T.S. = Girl raised in the south. Which I am not, being K's mum and all.
Moving to a new gardening zone will get you every time.
Here's that link you asked for a few days back
Now she is an avid, die-hard gardener. Big Momma is also the adoptive mother of 38 children and has some serious tales of which only some is blogged about. I read her for both. I mean if a 50+ year old woman can garden as much as she does, with as much love as she has for the work, under her circumstances what's not to keep coming back for.
But in Georgia I think you'll have better luck with some of those brasicas if they are fall crops.
Thanks, Stephanie! I'll follow the link.
WOW... that's a lotta kids!
Snow might be the only way to icecream that lot! lol!!
Have a good day, Lady! Thanks for the visit and the beta!
Hear,Hear,Mayberry!! I couldn't believe it when somebody asked me(in the course of a conversation) what chicken fried steak was. I soon learned why they asked...even in N.C. can't find anything but "country fried" made with some kind of mystery meat. Can't find good steak used for that c.f. purpose. And who ever heard of brown gravy on CHICKEN FRIED steak?? Seems cream gravy, white gravy or whatever you prefer to call it is almost nonexistent here. Are we in the south or not???
Kyddryn, I AM southern being born and reared in Texas but I only eat grits (of corn variety) when necessary so I forgive you if you prefer not to eat them yourself!
Much love!
The test we use is buying Dr. Pepper at McDee's. When we go north to visit family we always order the usual & if the counter help appologizes for not having any we know we are close to the border, if they act all bent out of shape barking "we sell only coke products here!"...well we are in the uncivilized north.
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