No, folk, not that kinda blazing, nice though it be...
No, I'm meaning to apologize for the sound quality of yesterday's video. It'd been so long since I posted anything here that as soon as this new uber-computer (thanks, MomLady!!! [Um, I should mention... the blazing speed of a computing machina what has SIX GIG of RAM belongs to Little Bird. Big Bird, aka Swan, hath only taken ken...) processed the vid, I cared not to try and figger out the sound thingie, but just to post.
I've got a million new pictures and a plethora of stories to show and tell. Now that my relocalation is done and the hectic Holiday season has past, I'll settle in solidly and do that. My intent-- as I stated underneath the waterfall sound in yesterday's vid-- is to become once again active daily on this blog.
A surprise or three is/are in store, too. I've been sitting here for several minutes trying to lead therein with some dramatic tension, but I've been too long away [from writing], so I'll work blog for a few days, polish up my shenanagan-ry, and commence full-on Swanfoolery as I am so noted for being/doing, and continue from there.
For the interim, I've set some kind of record-- TWO posts in two days...
Hmm... might be able to finagle that daily thingamajig... ;D
For the nacht, Slainte, Folks!
Sweet Dreams, and I'll see y'all menana.
[No longer Olor] Cgnus
L'Iris, 1861.
1 week ago
Looking forward to see in the ol' Cygnus.
Glad you like the new 'puter. Look forward to your return to blogopolis.
Thanx, CatMeister. Can't say I haven't missed it, and am looking forward to immersion again.
Salainte, Catman.
I'm LOVING the real-sized keyboard again, and look am glad the motivation is back.
BTW-- there's no "follow this blog" option at your site. Kydd said she'd arrange it-- oif you don't beat her there now! ha!
So where'd you move to? Cause Alabama might have just been a visit.
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