Worked with fiberglass insulation all day.
Stopped on the way home to get a haircut, looking forward to a nice, refreshing shower upon abode-arrival.
Um, how's about you repair a waterleak instead?
Okay. Point it out.
All tools and parts in order; commence repairs.
Break plastic off inside copper cut-off joint. Need replace.
Maybe menana.
Shower tonight?
Hope you got a girlfriend to go to...
DAMN!!! 14-hour drive for a shower?
Well, come to think... the prospect is so damned inviting you better check tomorrow and see I'm still blogging from Texas...
Slainte, Folks. Might be back later tonight, might not.
Clean or no we won't even approach right now.
I mean, this IS Cygnus' Song we're talking about...
2100 Hrs: Just F.Y.I. : Got the waterleak fixed. Got a shower.
Still Dirty. Because I'm Cygnus.
See Ya Later...
L'Iris, 1861.
2 weeks ago
Oh...oh...ohmuhgoodness, why am I laughing so hard???
I am really, truly sorry, Sir...because I know the insulation itches like a bitch, and one likes to be clean...
Shade and Sweetwater,
K (although perhaps I should say "Shade and Hotwater" instead...)
Because, Shade and Hotwater, you are what the insullation itches like...
But I loves you still.
Hey, wait - are you saying I'm irritating??
Shade and Sweetwater,
K (who's awfully glad...)
...hey Bro' try duct/box tape...wrap it around the palm of yer hand,sticky side out,then dab all the spots of open like a charm...another tip,washing with 'cold' water,the colder the better...alot of our jobs at work these days are using a 33%glass filled nylon resin...damn near impossible to not itch...
...on the other,use the hose,did it myself a few times while replacing all the plumbing under our
Sorry about the itching. Ken's advice sounds like some good stuff.
As far as the other, the water leak and all that commenced in trying to fix it...Well...welcome to life, my friend. ;D
You still in TX?
If not hope you are getting that itch, scratched...
14 hrs? That's a lot of geography, Sir..
Peace - Rene
Ken-- you mean after working with it, to remove the fibres? GOOD INFO!!! I'll try it, my friend!
Thanks, sincerely.
Woulda used the hose-- but NO WATER!!! The leak was after the main-- meaning we were sans water even in the garden hoses... trust me, I thought abi=out that. Weren't an option, unless we're talking air hose. And, we aren't.
And, besides, air-bathing...
Ain't that like blowing, not warshin'?
Thanks, Lady Felinae..
The above comment was meant to respond to your comment, but the general idea stands for any and all comments...
Slainte, my Best of friends...
Oh, dear!
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