[Bonus! @ 5:50 in: "PLASTIC, ASSHOLES!!!"]
Mondays are long days for me.
Actually nice now that I'm getting some new work experience. And school to coincide.
Yes, we all know schooling, Industrial-Grade, is a common-sense joke. But a lot of dead folk didn't pay heed...
I'll likely have some interesting tripe menana, like a video of me doing pullups or some such smarm...
In the interim, hope I can find some cool tripe to fill slot...
Do yerse'f a favor: watch the whole thing!
Okay, so ye have a life. Hmn. Lucky you.
Well, then... just drag the timer thing to about 7:30 in to the video. Politicians will fill your time and eye. And your mind will wobble, folks!
This spontaneously comes to mind:
Slainte, folks!
L'Iris, 1861.
2 weeks ago
George Carlin was a comedy God...
Interesting tripe...mmm...tripe...or not. My Mum calls tripe "stewed kniting". I call it someone else's dinner.
What was I saying? Ugh...can't sleep and feelin' punchy (don't need Carlin or politicians to make my mind wobble, Sir, it does that on its own)...think I'll troll Youtube. Have a good day tomorrow, Sir...or at least, not a tripe-y one...
Shade and Sweetwater,
G'nite, m'Flower Lady...
And, he was at that..
Carlin and I are kindred souls...yeah that's gotta be it :)
I grok every damn word he says...
Peace - Rene
Just gotta love AC/DC :D
Hope ya had a good day.
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