A Long Day w/ no Internnet Access...
But alls I wanted was to say I was takin' the day of to recoup from the long weekend!
Here... kick back and enjoy a cool-beans seasonal song by my friend Mr. Petty...
Slainte, Folks.
L'Iris, 1861.
2 weeks ago
Hmm...I'm sensing a theme here, Sir...
Good song, good performance...thanks for the entertainment on your bloggy day off.
Shade and Sweetwater,
K (who likes the new Swan pic, too...flying free, very nice)
Is the time always 4:20 at your place?
...lol Catman...yeah Brother,what else ya got growing in the garden over there ?...lol
One of my all time favorite songs!
Pretty much. I wake up at that hour and go to bed with her...
I mean when she does.
Um, THEN. I ... ah, heck with it..
YES, Catman. It is. Thanks for asking, dude!
Yes, i jest on occasion. Why, ye asketh?
Now Ken, you surely know Cyggie has the Edible Eden and the... the Other Edible [Brownie] Eden...
So, you were asking about what, now, my Brother from another mother?
You like the PettyMeister, eh?
Cool Beans, Woman!
Slainte! And thank you so much for visiting, Lady Scifi...
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