"Lasata Verum Nectum Satiata"
Glad you got it working, Sir...The ants are nifty -I like watching them scurry about. Say - how WAS that watermelon??Too bad about the drum video...was it too big for Blogger's parameters? You may have to Youtube, after all...and in public, no less!Shade and Sweetwater,K
This was like "ant cam" which would be pretty cool...a tiny little ant cam, could you imagine?Peace - Rene
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Glad you got it working, Sir...
The ants are nifty -I like watching them scurry about.
Say - how WAS that watermelon??
Too bad about the drum video...was it too big for Blogger's parameters? You may have to Youtube, after all...and in public, no less!
Shade and Sweetwater,
This was like "ant cam" which would be pretty cool...a tiny little ant cam, could you imagine?
Peace - Rene
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