Last Sunday I started a few different varieties of tomatoes, black beauty eggplant, and some lemon-yellow cucumbers (round, double-golfball-sized thingies) in peat pots. Today I saw the first of seedlings-to-come:
The reclaimed rosemary bed also recieved some seeds-- direct-seeded stuff that didn't work out back
about six weeks ago (spinach, cabbage, lettuce),as well as carrots, onions, and more peas. [The peas out back
are still there, having survived snow and, really, too little sun, and are finally beginning to show promise of stretching out and up-- but not nearly so much as little Bird's (indoor) pea!]
It was too early (then) for sowing the backyard bed-- the spring/summer area, I hope-- the soil still too cold (and clay-ey) even for the cool-loving brassicas I put down. I'm confident the front bed will produce better results because
a) it's later in the season;
b) the soil is better-worked;
c) the spot gets great afternoon sunshine.
Them there reasons just boost my hopes of feeding m'self, some, of my own accord.
Also taking advantage of that afternoon sun-- and the indoor clime enjoyed by Evil Genius' Pea [gotta love that! I mean, how many other l'il seven-years-old boys are encouraged to keep pea in the living-room window sill?!?]-- is a nifty window "herb garden". A kit I was gifted 'round Yule consisting of chives, basil, and oregano (plus some "moneymaker" tomatoes, put in the previous peat pot production) provided the seeds; the container was scrounged and seems the perfect platform for pesto-makin's.
I'll admit to missing my prior climates' earlier (garden) starting times. I also admit that for NO REASON do I want to be anywhere other than where I am. [Well, okay... I win the lottery tonight, an estate in Hawaii will soon follow!!! Just sayin', dreamin...] I look forward to the coming season/s, to the challenge of the new learning curve; to getting more fruits and veggies this year than any previous because I met the challenge, and conquered.
And to winning that lottery, and building a greenhouse so's I can start all the earlier here-- when I'm not barrelling @ Pipeline! HA!!!
How goes your garden clime and aspirations?
Slainte, folks!
Mine is cold wet clay still waiting to be dry enough to think about turning. After reading Steve Solomon's book I'm going to try his homemade fertilizer recipe to help that clay. Also plan on hauling in some rice hulls for lightening it up.
Got the tax refund & finishing up the seed order. Looking at hot & humid (for the south) and cool/damp for another off summer - crazy but just gotta have a better harvest this year. Considering what to focus on, not easy for a gardening fool.
In other news, still trying to master the Seamus by Leahy dance for class. Out of shape sneaks up on you kwim?
Can't find peppers (sweet), save for the (hybrid) california wonder, on store shelves... I want some colored ones... time to go to catalog!
Still plenty wet here, but taking advantage of every day I can to work the soil best I can to help all I can for whatever summer throweth this way...
Yup, sneaks up, indeed!
Thanks for the comment, Lady Stephanie! Keep dancin'! You'll peg it eventually...
...Outstanding job Brother,i'll probably settle for potted 'maters again this year,maybe peppers too...anyway,i'll get my garden eventually,i've seen it in my minds eye...
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