28 November 2008

this SUCKS!!!

hello Folks...

Its late thanksgiving eve-- Or more accurately early the morn following...
Many a safe arrival home wish to, in particular, two cousins whom I have not seen in collectively
damn near 30 tears (a lot o' time for a man only 41, n'este -ce pas?!?).

More godsend to the two second cousins I am just getting to know-- Kaiya (one of the most
beautiful women on the face of the planet), and to Catherine (the great) whom I've not seen
since she was knee-high to a grasshopper; both you beautiful ladies please make it home safe as
safe can get .

The xgiving day SHOULD be chok full of unexpected blessings in the way of guests one might not have seen since the 1990's, and today proved even more fruitful there than I could tonight.

I love ya Women:)

more soon,


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