21 November 2008

Beware: Poetry to follow...

Well folks,
much as i want to rant and rave, I'm sure it would do not a bit of good in this no-good world we exist in, so...
So here I am with naught to say.
A fellow influence gave me reason to pause earlier, and, to boot, brought to mind an old poem of mine. So rather than subject you to a horrendous diatribe on all that (and this, and this and that...) why don't I just post the poem. I can't think of any reason at all (and I mean that in every sense of the phrase...)

Hope still holds
Like a candledflame's chances
Against an ocean of tears

It's inexstinguishable glow
For the hopeless romances
Of future years...

Yall folks enjoy. Or at least don't despair. I'll do enough of that for an ocean of us...

More Soon...
More Soon...

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