I hope that's not intended for me! I'm not against gun ownership per se. I'm just against selling them to folks who shouldn't have them: like serious drug addicts who aren't in recovery and the seriously mentally ill and potentially violent criminals; they're risky as hell and steps should be taken and enforced to ensure that gun merchants can't/won't/don't sell to them. I should know: my brother is a schizophrenic with catatonic and paranoid tendencies who, ten years after his psychotic break, became an opiate needle junkie who would just as soon steal the wallet of a hit and run victim than call 911 to save them. And I so don't want him, or anyone like him, having access to firearms. But everyone else? Hell, yeah. If you feel comfortable with a gun around go for it.
Shade and Sweetwater,
You almost look like you are enjoying that!
I trust my .38
Very handsome...can't say it is the picture I would want everybody to see!
Well, Rod,
I almost was. Good eyes, buddy! HAR!!!
And good to 'see' you, friend!
Yes, ma'am. And Mom. And MomLady, and...
Umn, uh...
Hold Up...
Now I'm just confused. Really. I am...
Slainte, both beth and momla-- ah hell, fugidabit...
I hope that's not intended for me! I'm not against gun ownership per se. I'm just against selling them to folks who shouldn't have them: like serious drug addicts who aren't in recovery and the seriously mentally ill and potentially violent criminals; they're risky as hell and steps should be taken and enforced to ensure that gun merchants can't/won't/don't sell to them. I should know: my brother is a schizophrenic with catatonic and paranoid tendencies who, ten years after his psychotic break, became an opiate needle junkie who would just as soon steal the wallet of a hit and run victim than call 911 to save them. And I so don't want him, or anyone like him, having access to firearms. But everyone else? Hell, yeah. If you feel comfortable with a gun around go for it.
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