And Other Saturn's Day Observatia...
On my way down the backroads to the auto parts yard and heard this tune
and a morning dream was immediately remembered-- I saw the earrings, the brown-skinned goddess sitting indian-style in standout cameo...
The I thought of my friend in Reno, Jeanie, when I heard the line about mayhap never seeing again.
I weren't sad... but reflective.
The very next tune on the airwaves...
I'd been singing before leaving the abode. I always loved the Gentle Giant...
Eye candy day for ol' Cygnus-- after grabbing what I needed at the auto yard, I stopped-- more accurately was magnetically suckled into-- a huge garden Center.
Good thing I have no [local] land of me own, because I had dollars in my pocket.
Still got those latter...ha!
And that, even after a visit to a more specialized, ah, indoor garden supply palace. Because, again...
Back home to struggle with putting the light fixture on the truck, only to find the unit burned behind the casing. And for the first time the parts store didn't have my desire. So... Tyr's day it is, and to and from work in the interim on some wing [Swan's, perhaps?] and prayers.
I had pictures and all that jazz, but, I mean, who ain't seen swan's wings, eh? So...
Guess I'll go listen to Fiona.
Slainte, folks.
L'Iris, 1861.
1 week ago
The first song reminds me of a night spent in Jerome, Arizona, a few years back...clear, warm desert night, sitting on a bench swing staring up at the stars, breathing in the quiet, the dark, swinging gently and being peaceful. It was a rare, beautiful span of minutes in the middle of a chaotic time, and I treasured it.
As for Don Williams...Sir, I adore that song.
Thanks for the lullabyes...
Shade and Sweetewater,
K (who really is going to bed early tonight, with music in her ears and a smile on her face)
Glad you passed these songs on to us! I like them both but I think this is my favorite Don Williams song. Started my day off right as I just listened to them.
Have a wonderful one (day, that is).
Kyddryn, I could almost believe that I was there, too.I had an almost magical evening in Arizona once but could not have written about it as beautifully as you did.
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