Well, as y'mighta read here prior, I'm on vacation. And... a wonderful one it is, too!
They finally fed me some today: I was let into sneak into the kitchen to scrape the pan for half-burned, half-raw baconfat leavins, and there were potato peels not too coffee-ground covered right there in that big plastic container with the foot-operated lid cover...
Later I was chained to the kitchen floor and the Little Dude was allowed to pulverize ribcage with peds...
Then I was allowed some time with the feral felines, but the rain made me want some dry time, so was pointed to the steep, slippery-red-clayed ravine out back, told I could play there ["hehehe", seems was the encouraging verbal sendoff...].
Seriously, folks, I'm having a wonderful time walking the land, talking to the yard, finding out where stuff like green beans and compost wants to be.
And raslin' with a Small Bird...
Y'all stay tuned ... and thanks to Miss Rene (that Lady Rocks!) and the Hermit for the brownie points and the holler out...
Slainte, Uncle and Celtic Goddess.
And all of you, Folks.
Um... I gotta go now, 'cause her come all the pussies, and... One got obligations, don't one...
L'Iris, 1861.
1 week ago
Glad to see and hear all is well with the Swan. Great vid man, enjoyed it, always. Take care brother. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Glad you're having fun.
Take care.
Good to hear your vacation is going well! Enjoy every minute as they have a habit of rushing by before you even know it!
Thanks, folks. Back in houston now and back at the grind, but whaddya whaddya-- gotta make a living...
Thanks, friends...
What I would give for a rainy vacation!
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