Mayhap Buffler?
This One Is For My [Blog-] Brothers Catman, Ken, Bullseye, and Hermit.
"Chickens in choppers"... Sounds like my Halloween Plan...
Cabritos me arse! I got your tar-tare right here, may-un!
[-aise!!! HAR!!!]
Prep on, Men!
Slainte, Folks!
L'Iris, 1861.
1 week ago
You are a strange one, Sir...but as Someone keeps telling me...looks aren't everything.
Am I the only one hung up on the fact that the male cow has udders??
And now I'm craving steak and eggs...ribeye, rare...dang it...
Thanks for the giggle, Sir.
Shade and Sweetwater,
K (who wonders if the chickens would be so quick to help if they saw the Chick-fil-A ads...)
Strange, very strange. And to think I get to see the strangeness up close soon. I'm beginning to wonder about you. lol
Oh, and since when do male bovines have udders?
I have loved that song, ever since I first heard it on the radio. Thanks, man!
Sorry, removed the first post due to a spelling error. :D Here is the corrected version.
I've always liked that song.
I have a magnet on my refrigerator of a cow with a gun. LOL I got it after hearing the song for the first time.
On a side note: All Bulls have horns, but many breeds of Cows also have horns(unless they are a polled breed)most of the time, the horns are removed when they start to bud soon after the calves are born.
That might account for the udders.
Perhaps it is the female population that is leading the revolution and not the male. ;) just a thought.
Have a good one my friend.
...BWAAAHAAAHAAA...LMFAO...i must've lived a sheltered life cuz i've never heard
..."cows with guns...cows well hung"...i'm gonna share with everyone i can...BWAAAHAAHAAA
...Thanx Brother...
a mooooo-ving call to arms...
Catman-- You got radio stations play that on the air? I may be strange, indeed... and mayhap enough so to consider a move to the sunshine state...
Like Brother Ken, I have led a sheltered life, and never heard "...much cow dung"...
I submit that the cow leading the revolution is fleamale-- I mean fEmale, sure-- but the voice-over artist felt a male sonora would be more revolutionary-inducing.
Thanks all for the comments. And MomLady-- you really gonna hold the brushpile to the Winter Solstice, then consider me there to light the flame. And start the fire as well, if I may be so honored...
Well now... after your myriad bulls-with-udders [sounds like it could be a Weird Al take on the tune under fire-- multi-layered pun intende[r]ed, yes...] comments, I was forced FORCED</b I tell ya to watch again.
I am not so much disturbed by the "cow"-- though they definitely specify 'he' is a male cow, aka BULL, so...-- by the 'cow' having udders as by the thing's ability to PEE OUT OF THE DAMNED UDDER!!!
oops. never closed bold. surprised that was allowed...
slainte, html...
Sir, it's your blog - you kin do anythin' you like with the fonts and whatnot.
Meanwhile...right out of the container? I'd be more worried about the folks who did that before ya.
There's a cartoon, I think it's called back to the Barnyard, where the lead critter is a male bovine...with huge, prominent udders. It bugs me so much, I can't watch...especially when the dang things bounce and jiggle about while he walks (on two legs)...ugh!!
Shade and Sweetwater,
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