30 September 2010

Headed to Bed...

The Cool Of Autumn Creeping In The Window...

And coyotes hae been yapping the past few nights. I woke early this morn to the song, long enough to whisper-chime in a "NICE", then drifted back off to sleep asong their lifting yewls...

The cool creepeth in... into my aging bones, into the open windows @ nite...

Into the Winter...

Into the winter we go...

Into the Fall bed I fall...

Sweet Dreams, Kindred.


29 September 2010

Worth Watching Every Minute Of...

Oh,The Oxymoronicism...

"Um, I think I take that one, too!"

I just betcha do, lady; I just betcha do...

Slainte, folks!!!


27 September 2010

I Didn't Know They Could Ride...


Well, everyone except the horses!!! And maybe the dogs...

Slainte, folks!


26 September 2010

Lazy Sunday...

Seems It's Not Just Me...

The clouds are also on cruise mode... I bet this dragon-prow pulled the thunderstorm behind it...

The kittenseed I planted is sprouting nicely, but still, like cacti, seem to prefer the drier clime of roof-eave...

Hope you're all having a beautiful weekend, rain or shine.

Slainte, folks!!!


23 September 2010

Thus I Become Imortal...

For I Become A Father. Again.

Hiya folks. Cygnus here.

I been gone a while. And longing, of late, to return...

I got some new fun gizmos to work with-- cameras, drums...

Kittens... [LOL!! NO, NO, Lady A... I swear!!! LMAO!!!]

Then there's music... always music somewhere in my life. That bodhran-- I smacked it around a bit more of my absence. I played a flute-- y'know, for a few minutes. I even saw a guitar a few times, and heard on once!!! So, I'm thinkin' I'll do some musica.

Actually, I'm not thinkin' much about it at all. I just wanna be back on blogger. Winter's a-comin' on, and I've had an interesting year to date, and gotta lotta fodda to share. Plus, I's gonna BE a fadda in late January!!! [Um, SURPRISE!!! for those of you new to this blog and/ or not up to date with my FB fiasco a.k.a descent into the online equivalent of Dante's 9th Level...]

But I digress...

Yes, a Papa to be. At forty-three. ~~And deep in Polyamory~~

whuh???-- Oh yeah--- digression.

So, y'wanna see a picture?
Wanna hear a poem? Wan' me t'leave y'alone??

Stick around...

Slainte, folks...
