So Here's Something I Haven't Done In A While:
Pre-write a post at work-- where I'm getting paid to do so--!!! Vicariously though that be, the pay...
Speaking of--I'm being paid more, too, than last time I did this.
The Company has officially declared the fall 2009 [Sheet Metals Apprentice] Semester over by way of reimbursing with-held tuition monies AND adding several pennies' to the regular semanas stipend as well.
Now, here's some irony for us, and the scary part for me:
School I've learned to like. Better said, I enjoy worthy educational pursuit-- even in the sadly intellectually-watered down formal setting.
And I even enjoy work to a degree. At least the aspect wherein I accomplish something constructive and can, as a consequence, eat and mayhap pay a bill.
So, those are all fine and well, schooling and verk...
But, I Wanna Grow Some Things...
And for this I need more space, both physically AND metaphorically, to [literally] branch out with this dream.
Now I'll be honest; the morning's commute was consumed with facing my fear of leaving what I've worked at for a year... (funny, my conscious stream-of-thought for writing that sentence was "what I've spent a year establishing", but a quick mental inventory corrected that to "what I've invested the time moving towards", and by mere way of departing the Nation's Fourth Largest.)
Long and short, the 'fear', splayed askew for personal dissection, failed to Wake.
Thus, buried.
The minuscule amount of green frogskins required to cover yon debt? I got enough wherewithal to line up some contract labor to get me thru the lean months. So, whilst the familiar and consistent cash flow of the current stipend is a comfort...
So is confidence in my ability to feed myself-- and mayhap pay a bill-- in this new clime, at this familiar- yet new-scaled adventure I set forth on...
Um,, A-t-t-tthe-t-tha-thu--at's all,Volk!!!
L'Iris, 1861.
1 week ago
I have long maintained, Sir, that one works to live, one does not live to work. If you cannot nourish your soul, what's the point?
Shade and Sweetwater,
Work is a four-letter word to be equated with existence.
(basis)LIFE (v): more than (previous, that is.)
Thanks, Kydd...
So the move to these hills is drawing closer?
It is, Lady Livia...
But in six days, i move to GEORGIA...
Again, seemingly I'm being hard to read.
But, really, um... just being hard. Y'know. ME.
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