I don't know what in the world brought that to mind. There I was, standing in the kitchen, eating a pimento cheese foldover the sink and otherwise minding my own business when WHAMO! right out of the clear blue sky the question posed itself.
Now why do you suppose that is?
Yes, I accept that I am crazier than a left-handed football bat; that's got nothing to do with it.
(I don't think...)
Ah! That last statement... maybe we're on to something here...
L'Iris, 1861.
1 week ago
OK, you've got me. What's a pimento cheese foldover?
P.S. We're having hamburgers for dinner tonight!
Well you got that stuck in my head didn't you? Looked it up and once the gov decided that kids were too fat & advertisers needed to change their ways - no ads to kids under 12 - he was history. Too bad because he was a lot more fun than some of the more recent commercials.
O, just half a samich. one piece of bread folded... learnt that one from HermitJim! Hi Uncle!!
Hambur...hey! now I remember ! there's some hamburger meat in the refridge; when I replaced the pimento cheese...
Amazing how your having hamburgers for dinner just restored a bit of confidence in my sanity!
Thanks! glad to have you visit, and look forward to your return!
Hey there Steph! we were typing at the same time!
WOW! no ads to kids under 12? Only fast food, oui?
I figured mayb ronald went away because too many kids have a fear of clowns. (No wonder i ain't so popular...:o just kidding; the rugrats generally love ol' ugly duckling. Must be we're on the same wavelength mentally- I Don't Wanna Grow Up!:)
Thanks for the beta, and for the visit! Who'd a thunk someone would actually take me seriously. And then find an answer... gots to love the internet, ay?!
Ahh.. but now you have the whole question of how do ya have ya Hamburger? Darn it, got me thinking of cheese, tomato, horseradish sauce and raw onion..Hmmm ... yum!
*goes to look for burgers in the freezer* ;)
Definitely a food saturday!
(See, I don't capitalize it here either! ha!)
Horseradish, ey? now you got ME thinking...
Thanks for visiting today, Lady E.!
Now, to fire up the BBQ pit...
Maybe he's doing "time"; y'know, finally got caught...
dang i missed it..i remember him tho..gone huh?..any luck McDs will follow...ymmv..enjoy while you can!
Very good question. I loved that guy, sneaking around trying to steal burgers from that clown. What was that big purple things name?? Man you got me thinkin.
Hey Cygnus,
Thanks for dropping by at my blog.
I figured out what is going on with Hermit Jim's blog.
It's referencing this blog:
I just don't understand how it is happening.
Oh, and the Hamburglar?
Turns out he was a mole for Al Qaeda. He's down in Guantanamo.
He was looking for the other half of the Saint Louis Arch when he was bagged. Seems someone told him it was the McDonald's corporate headquarters.
Ya know, I'd forgotten about him. Maybe he reformed and became a born again something.
How's the two-jobs working out for you?
ERIC!!!! HEY my FRIEND! LONG time no see. You been hamburglin' or what!?!
Seriously, how's things on your end?
Hey, we can hope that micky D follows Circuit City... What a wake-up call for the sheeple: "no FRIES? LAWD a'mighty what is we gawna do???"
Alas... Pray hard to whomever your gods be...
Unless you mean Barney, you got me. Or mayhap Snuffalaffagus from Sesame Street...
Big purple thing...
Nah, I better not go there...
Hey Catman, me and Unk were discussing that; I'm pretty sure Busted Knuckles had a post with the title very recently; Hermit was visiting the night before he posted... Still, I'd like to know HOW, also... Thanks for coming by to investigate...
DAMN! given the new (soon to be 'old') regime's ideals, Guantanamo not be da place to be, mon... Don' even gotta have a reason to keep ya!
[And THIS is what AMERICA has come to???]
Thanks, Buddy!
Livia! Livia! [ withholds further comment b/c suspects big Brother 's eyes...]
That, and my shyness prevent further comment...
Born again, EH? I saw a lot of that on the 'inside'. "Grab that Black Book and hide, BITCH!"
A vegan, mayhap?!?
Thanks for suffering the pain of typing to comment, Lady Incarnate.
Miss Ya!
Oh, and then the two became One.
F^@k Mr.Box! "I ain't gonna be able to do it!"
Down to one, and all the happier. Thanks for asking, and for the "visit"
[more on quoted next semanis...]
Big purple guy - Grimmace.
The McD's in some of the local walmarts have plastic statues of McDonald sitting on a bench at the entrance (to the food). Who ever made the mold - Mr. McDonald looks just like a pervert you'd never let near the kids. Some advertising hmm?
If they closed all the stores a good part of town (old homeplace) would be unemployed. One of the biggest employers there - after Wallyworld of course.
Me - don't forget some bacon on that burger! or some tomato sauce & mozarella cheese. mmm...and tonight is mac & cheese night (kids request). Have to change the menu tomorrow.
Oh my mom loved Texas sandwiches: two slices of bread & lots of wide open space.
Steph-- Hence all the make-up! Like Maralyn Manson asking you "D'ya wanna SUPERSIZE that?"... Just as wrong as two boys .. Never mind. Filled my Quota of inappropriacy on "My Mommy Said"'s blog yestere'en...
Creepy; Ronald sitting at the entrance to wallyville... And 'funny' [read; no coincidence]that the two biggest employers in town Bed Together(e.g rent common space)
Whatever are the H.S kids gonna do when TSHTF?
I know I'll be coming to steph's! Double bacon, please ma'am...
Our old Southern standby-- jam sandwitch:
Take two pieces of bread and 'jam' them together...
Right now you'd be in luck - local store is selling bacon 10 pounds for 9.99 We've been enjoying it - usually I have to be pretty stingy to make a package go around. but then hermit would have to move north wouldn't he?
Nah; Hermit will have plenty o' javelina bacon out desert way..
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