All morning felt like Monday, and all afternoon Friday. Tomorrow-- Thursday-- IS my Friday, because we're off Friday real...
WHEW!!! I'm confused...
My workweek is 75% done-- that's some math I comprehend.
Where're the fireworks in your town? Anyone leaving town?
I'll probably hang here in H-town, avoiding gunshot, maybe brave a peek at the sky and see if I'm still alive once or twice... then once again in the morning.
Maybe twice. This is Houston.
Until then, I'm watching for the third day the afternoon showers dust my garden with sprinkles and sprinkles only...
I watered good this evening.
Bet it rains now... ha!
Boring night, folks...
Maybe I'll go raindance in the garden.
L'Iris, 1861.
1 week ago
Hi Cygnus,
Not leaving town here, going over to a friends house.
The fireworks will be there. I love to see the bright sparkle they put off.
Yes, please do avoid the gunshots.
I'm sorry that the rain is teasing you and your garden.
Rain dances are fun, I've done a few myself. Perhaps I should join you, I'm sure between the two of us we could create quite a shower.
Now for the boredom, I heard exercise and exercise balls work wonders to help out with that problem. Maybe you should try that. :D
Temporal distortion...happening here all day, minutes that stretch beyond their limits, hours that flash past in an instant, nothing behaving as it should...
The day is moving in waves, ebbing and flowing.
Not leaving town (this weekend, anyway), just heading to a friend's on Saturday for our traditional pool party/cookout where we'll barbecue some sort of critter and cook ourselves in the sunlight while playing happily in the pool (and trying not to drown the kids while we're ducking each other).
Come evening,we'll head back home and watch the shows put on around us - we live close enough to the Chateau and two race tracks that we sometimes get three shows in a night, not to mention what the neighbors shoot off. I prefer to stick close to home Independence Day night, avoid the crazy drivers and people who celebrate with firearms.
Poor garden...want a's good of you to provide, Sir.
Have fun dancing...
Shade and Sweetwater,
Alive and well in the Garden State...
Missing the sanity of New Hampshire
Can you believe that?
Peace - Rene
Wishing you a delightful fourth!
Living in the dry desert makes for very little fireworks fun! Unless you like massive wildfires burning your house down...
We're just doing the pool/bbq thingy and chillaxin'....
Sure, Lady Felinae-- go off and play with fire; I'll stay here and dance in the shower all alone...
Speaking of exercise, how's the workout video going? You know-- the one you and your mom both have a copy of? Didn't that have some dancing involved?
Thanks for the... suggestions, Lady Felinae...
Bee and Rose--
Sounds like the thing to do...
Relax and enjoy!!!
Sounds about typical-- finally get a break, and we need a vacation from!
Rest easy, Lady Rene!
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