Well, we better make more space; don't know if my feeble grey matter is enough to encompass...
All's I can think about of late is my land. The Land.
Since the Equinox came and went without my so much as my getting out of the city limit confines, much less the States', I've been able to think about little else.
Then I log on to my man Catman's .
He's got this 'write-your-vision' request going.
The timing seems so right, because the LAND IS what I envisioned.
My Vision...
I have a Seed Saver's Exchange catalog in my lap-- the very one that occupies it that fateful 2005...
Back of the catalog, I spy a title that changes my life forever...
"How To Grow More Vegetables...(than you thought possible in less space than you imagined)!"
Oh, it's SO ON!!!
I Began To See
At the time I was allotted a 5' x 9' cubicle to mete out my existence. That's w x l. [H= 4'.]
I stood and looked.
I hawk-eyed, in fact.
Five feet wide. He says a garden 5' x 20' will feed a family of four.
Say he's off by 75%.
I still eat. And I'm all I got...
So I need 100 ft^2 for food... Let's add a fishing pole, some rabbits, a side or three of venison... you know, stuff the Land offers... Jest fer safety. And because I'm carnivorous...
And an orchard, and...
So the vision of mere FOOD PRODUCTION grows to encompass a total of, at largest, half-acre.
For a veggie garden, a five fruit-trees orchard, a berry patch...
Oughta be able to squeeze some rabbits, worms, bees, and a compost pile...
That took care of food.
Shelter is easy. Just look.
And do some math.
How bad do you want to go?
Well, I wanted to trip to Missouri pretty darned bad.
But I didn't.
And here's my blessed return.
Water Is Life.
I may be able to get the hail out of the cloud that is Houston about six months earlier than last guestimated.
Saving about five grand to tap mamma nature's water source can do that for a man... And the land I just missed going to visit likely just got traded for an additional 2.3 acres.
That's Right! Gimme a finnif, Bay-Bee!
Um, did I mention the :
1) One pond
2) Two creeks
3) Three [known] Springs
that liven this space?
??? Huh?? Did I?HUH?? HUH?!?! DID I!??
Long Story Short?
Too late!!
BUT-- well, i just didn't want yall to think I'd gone ENTIRELY poetic or photo-happy on ya! ha!
I've been prepping... and too damned weighed under to care and bitch about it here-- you got yer own issues...
So, there's your update. More on the land coming soon-- though you may need to come get a cuppa to find me... [HINT HINT](evilly laughs:) HeHeHe!
It's been a rambling kind of day, folks, and if you've joined me, I thank you!
If you've lasted, I bless you!
If you ken(ned), I kith(ed!) you!!!
Here and There and EveryWhere...
Slainte, Folks!
L'Iris, 1861.
1 week ago
Yeah, okay. Swoon.
um this ain't been up for forty seconds!
Record for fastest Comment!!!
Um... SWOON?
You jest, i reckon...
I am so envious, you lucky dog you!! Creek & springs...glad it happened for you.
Also read Steve Solomon's new book "Gardening for Hard Times". He was once a big Jeavons fan but has changed his thinking due to the vast imputs that such close gardening requires. He explains very well & still does do some bed gardening but not Hyper close. He founded Territorial Seed Co. and his trials & later life experience are what led to his thinking change. PLUS he talks about the best plants to work on calorie/nutrition wise. Worth the money.
Check out the free library at Soil & Health. http://www.soilandhealth.org/ and click personnal sovereignty. You don't have to make a donation & the "we wish you would" isn't too bad. Lots of good stuff in all the areas but that is a fav.
Hurray!! I am happy for you...now to see you get on the road, still early planting season around here.
Thanks so much!
There are some Jeavons stuffs I'd adapt or alter--your word choice!
I'll def. have to check out Solomon's book...
Never can have too many ways to try shiite, can we?
Well I figure if a man can say 'don't read my stuff before this date because this is what I've learned & how I learned it' then it is worth considering. Esp. when his aim is to raise as much food & nutrition as possible. The biggest thing with the Jeavons method - besides the double digging/time/back- is the amount of water. Most of our married life that meant $$. That might not be the case now (not for you either) but I've read it quickly & consider it money well spent.
Things are sounding good for you.
Keep up the work and you will be there in no time at all.
I love it when a plan comes together. I'm mighty proud of you my friend, you never lost sight of the dream. I am so happy for you my man, can't wait to see and hear more about the land. Sounds like a great place to start over, and live the way we were born too, simple.
That's quite the addition Cyg! Bringing your sweet self and my darlin' Hermit closer and sooner...always a plus!
Since you'll be wandering in this direction soon enough, check out www.rareseeds.com . In Mansfield with a nice little festival yearly...worth the drive if it isn't too close to the land.
Grok this. I've been chasing the vision since 76....Sometimes I feel like a stranger in a strange land. More so as of late...
OOps, forgot to mention. try out an author by the name of Ruth Stout.
My Pap followed her gardening advice like it was gospel. Never failed him.
ooh, we've been talking about checking out Baker's Creek too. Have you been there before Ozark Momma? Is it worth a bit of a drive?
Oh yeah Stephanie...definitely worth the drive. We did a 'drive by' on our way home from Branson last year. Wish we had allotted more time, but I was burned extra crispy (yeah, yeah...I know) and was ready to get home. Gorgeous country, friendly people and can't beat heirloom seeds/plants!
Ok Ozark Mama and Stephanie-- you've sold me. Rare Seeds/ Baker's Creek will be properly investigated...
Thanks, Ladies, for the comments. And we'll get there,O. Momma, we'll get there... :P
Hiya Rod! good to hear from you!
Thanks for the kudos. Gods know I've had enough b.s. come along through my years; good to be in the driver's seat for a change.
Thanks, Bro.
Simple really IS what it's meant to be, ain't it?
So much pleasure there...
And I'll never give the dream up.
In fact, gonna manifest it. Pure and Simple.
Thanks for your words of encouragement, Bullseye...
DRAGON...Grok from your Oroborous is worth several water-sharings...
Will check out pap's Stout gospel.
Gimme that old thyme...
Thank you, sir.
Everything happens for your highest good, kind sir!
It will all be what you desire soon!
if That Be So, Bee And Rose...
well, i wonder what it'll be.
wonder what i want...
Um, anybody know whaddya whaddya???
You will love Baker's Creek for ordering. I ordered seeds online and received them in less than a week. In the order was two $1 bills and a small envelope with .25 because one of the items was out of stock. (Online is better if only because the seed orders are up so much that out of stocks are high everywhere) Only one thing - do check seed package sizes as there are times when another good company has the same thing and the per seed price is better. (yeah I have a calculator). But I like their location, if it will grow for them it should do fine here as we are *close* relativly speaking.
Will say if you decide to try growing hulless oats then seeds of change is better deal wise.
Stephani, you've been nothing but a godsend to this ol' bird...
bless you, Lady!
Thank you, I may not know too much about guns & such but I do know gardens and how hard it can be to move to a new area and get back into the groove.
I know u and know you will make it happen. I am behind u (and with u??) all the way.
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